LDM | Best regional digital agency in Google Partner Summit 2016

Google Partner Summit 2016

Panama was represented by Latam Digital Marketing at the Google Partner Summit 2016, where the world’s leading digital agencies met in San Francisco, USA.

Google Partner Summit 2016

Strategy, expertise, innovation and creativity define Latam Digital Marketing. He won the invitation to the Google Partner Summit in San Francisco (California, USA) for being the best digital agency in the region for three consecutive periods.

Last week, from November 9 to 11, 2016, the Google Partner Summit was held in San Francisco, California, where 900 Partners from 51 countries met.

This event is one of the most significant, as it brings together the most important digital agencies in the world, characterized by their enormous growth in the short term and the success of managing their campaigns, increasing the results for their clients.

In order to attend, the agencies had to corroborate how their campaigns could be more profitable for their clients and that investments in different Google platforms (Google Adwords, YouTube and Gmail) were more optimal.

These campaigns were compared against a large number of Google Partner agencies worldwide.

Google Partner Summit 2016

The theme of this year’s conference was “Now is our moment”. Now is our time to build for the future, from announcements and measurements to making the workplace better for everyone.

The event began on Wednesday, with welcome comments from the Chief Financial Officer of Alphabet and the Senior Vice President, Ruth Porat.

One of the most attractive benefits of this event was the networking and the possibility to hear from the creators of different tools how to make the most of them and optimize campaigns for their customers.

“Our cultural principles are very similar to Google’s thoughts where cultural diversity, gender equality and talent are the fundamental pillars that make us great, being one of our goals to be the agency with the most inspiring work environment in the country”, said Rafael Strauss, President of Latam Digital Marketing.

This invitation was issued to recognize and reward Latam Digital Marketing for its achievements and contributions to help small businesses through the provision of high quality digital marketing services.

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