Creativity challenges in the digital environment

In the digital era, creativity has become a key factor for the success of companies, as they increasingly require creativity to face the challenges that arise and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital world. It is essential to convey messages according to the audiences and their needs, at a specific time, because we know new trends and tools emerge everyday. 

Brands must bet on reaching their audiences in a creative way, leaving aside the traditional, because among so many options in the market, if they do not solve a real need and fail to connect with their audience, they will hardly be considered. This is why narrative, personalization and immediacy have become necessary elements for the success of companies.

The digital environment presents a series of challenges that require creative approaches.

  • Content saturation: Today, the amount of content available in the digital environment is overwhelming. Users are exposed to a constant saturation of information, which sometimes makes it difficult for brands to stand out from the crowd. To overcome this, it is necessary to focus on quality over quantity. Relying on originality, storytelling and personalization are key elements to capture the audience’s attention in the midst of digital noise.
  • Low user attention: In this digital and technological era, users’ attention is fragmented and fleeting. Creativity must adapt to this, creating short, impactful and easy-to-consume content. Mixing images, short videos and messages with very little text captures and holds the audience’s attention.
  • Audience interaction: Creating a brand-user relationship and providing the possibility to interact and actively participate is very valuable for the new generations. However, it is not always easy and there must be a creative strategy behind it. This should be leveraged to engage the audience in a meaningful way through immersive and unique experiences. Encouraging active participation promotes loyalty and generates a sense of belonging.
  • Artificial intelligence and other tools: The exponential growth of AI and the emergence of new tools have opened the dialogue about their impact on creativity. The challenge lies in understanding and effectively using these technologies, while maintaining a balance between automation and human intervention, as we must remember that creativity and originality are unique attributes of humans. These tools can be leveraged for a variety of purposes, such as data analysis, personalization, content generation, etc.
  • Change and trends: Keeping up to date with the latest trends and tools is crucial to make the most of the opportunities offered by the digital environment. It is important to be aware of technological advances, new platforms and changes in the algorithms of social networks; this allows you to anticipate changes and adapt quickly. However, these trends must be carefully evaluated and decide which ones are relevant and aligned with the values and objectives of each brand.

These are just some of the challenges of creativity in the digital environment. We must remember that with the right strategies, it is possible to overcome them and make the most of the opportunities they provide. Each of these challenges requires focus, adaptability and strategy.

Today, finding creative solutions is critical to stand out from the crowd, connect with the audience and make a real impact. Understanding and capitalizing on these challenges allows you to explore innovation and take your ideas to the next level to make your mark in the digital environment.

Data Management: the new journey of demand generation

generación de demanda
generación de demanda

Each point on the route that marks the path of our consumers’ decisions evolves as new elements and digital channels are integrated. This determines the new journey of demand generation.

The options are endless and the competition to be present before our buyer personas is the real challenge faced by small and large brands. If you consider the construction of your audiences as one of your main objectives to achieve, this article will interest you.

Building audiences is only the beginning of this great journey.

The desired destination?

Keep them captive through a constant generation of demand.

We all know the basic cycle of the customer journey: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, but what’s the next step once you’ve gotten a customer to complete it? Are we prepared to adapt our digital strategies and personalize them once we have relevant data from each of them?

The reality is that the journey has not yet ended in the conversion. Our buyers are just starting a relationship with our brand and it’s up to us to keep it active.

It is here that a new, more complex and elevated cycle opens, but highly effective in all aspects. Where you will probably need strategic allies to help you optimize each unlocked part of this long but advanced process.

Start – You are here

Smart Data Management

To be able to turn around this constant change, it is necessary to be one step ahead of the same evolution. Activate and be assertive before the consumer decides. This is really complex when your channels depend on other sales agents or distributors.

For this stage, Customer Data Platform (CDP) will be your basic tool to develop a robust, sustained and effectively segmented strategy to achieve those objectives. It is not only capturing the information generated from each user; the essence and key lies in knowing how to interpret, analyze and understand it.

Is this consumer the same as the other? Would they be classified in different segments? Would I talk to them the same? Which should I prioritize?

We can call all these questions clustering and it is time to include it in the planning of your digital strategy.

There are a series of important insights that must be detected for an ideal architecture of your database. Deeply understand the deciding factors that would lead that consumer to make a transaction. Your impulses, specific moments and channels of preference.

Knowing exhaustively from the origin of the first approach to the conversion to give way to loyalty and repurchase are the objectives of this new journey. Once you have control of this part of the process, you can continue with the generation of specialized content for each cluster and thus begin the constant construction of your target audiences.

B2C content strategies for demand generation

B2C communication becomes pure oxygen when your sales closing is done through third parties. The result is much more difficult to achieve when at the points of sale of the distributors of your products, consumers are faced with a wide range of brands that directly compete with yours.

To do? Act on your own and earn their loyalty.

It is time to integrate all the analysis and understanding that you managed to obtain through the Customer Data Platform.

For each lead generated, you must have personalized content in mind in order to get to know that user even better and gradually enrich your knowledge of their preferences and consumer decisions.


The importance of SEO

Undoubtedly an infallible tool that contributes to the positioning and consideration of your brand. Staying in the top of mind of your potential customers is not an easy task and through SEO content strategies you can achieve it with a fairly affordable budget compared to other digital media.

One of the advantages of having in-depth knowledge of each profile of your consumers is that you know exactly what to tell them, how and where to communicate. A native content strategically developed to appear within your main searches of your needs, has much greater impact than several paid advertising budgets.

In addition to the fact that it is a long-term construction that will help retain your already captive consumers and position you as an authoritative voice within your market.

There is a wide diversity of formats that you can generate for a much more organic, direct and reliable brand communication.

Generación de demanda

Strategic partner

In conclusion, the way we capture and manage large amounts of data is the key to powering the next generation of e-commerce, tracking, real-time advertising and predictive consumption.

Real-time analytics provide insights into the entire customer journey of each user to place them at different stages and locate similar profiles to generate new customers.

These complex architectures are difficult to execute as there are many different levels within this automated process.

Together with the ideal strategic partner for your brand, they will be able to make quick decisions throughout the journey of their users and thus efficiency within their business environment will be optimized and will be reflected in an increase in their audiences and more loyalty. solid.

It is the new digital journey of demand generation.

Contact us and take your customer journey to the next level!

DIGITAL BOOST UNITS, the business model that your brand needs


Optimize resources, increase results and ensure accelerated growth for your brand. These three goals became the mantra for every CMO at a global company. Digital Boost Units (DBUs) are here to do just that.

And it is that after talking so much about digitization in internal and external processes, it is necessary to pause to analyze the following question:

Do we know if we are implementing the correct formula for your business model?

The decision of all the distribution of your ABP is the fundamental pillar that will mark the success of your strategy and operation.

In this economic and social context, the strategy that you establish with your key partners will be an essential factor in reaching your goals.

During 2020, up to 30% of the organizations in Mexico and Brazil turned to an ally to support them in special projects, the most in demand being: data management, implementation of new technologies and optimization/monitoring of digital campaigns.

(IAB Europe, 2020)

This transformation of the internal ecosystem that many companies are undergoing can become highly expensive and with a projection of results that is far removed from their current needs.

You don’t need to hyper automate absolutely every process. It is there where a consulting partner can guide you in those points where you can obtain a growth boost with the integration of a business model that came to revolutionize the operation of digital marketing.

What is needed is to be able to have direct and constant access to a high level of expertise, advanced technology and operational control at all times within your team for the benefit of your brands.

DBUs for the accelerated growth of your brand

Digital Boos Units (DBUs) are operating models that allow large brands to strategically allocate economic, technological and human resources in a more intelligent way and at the same time generate savings in operating and administrative costs.

The pandemic came with a strong need to accelerate digitization. The application of Business Intelligence in digital marketing is already one of the most important tools to address the current context.

The creation of this operational strategy is focused on a hybrid business model that brings together all the knowledge and experiences of a multidisciplinary team.

The goal is to accelerate and exceed the expected results. Bring brands closer to new technologies, processes, operation and innovation that on their own can be difficult to implement and very expensive to acquire.

A team that is in constant direct collaboration with the brand but with all the analysis in real time, know-how, trends and perspectives that an advanced digital marketing partner has. (Forward Thinking Marketing).

In a traditional marketing model, a team learned and knew everything that was happening with the client, but lost perspective of what was happening in the digital world: their progress.

This makes you a more reactive team than a proactive one.

The same goes for an agency. From outside the company, they may have the know-how of everything that’s going on in the environment, but they miss out on clear insight into customer depth.

In a DBU powered model, being a hybrid, you get the best of both sides.

The results that support the model


As a specialized and interdisciplinary team that works in synergy (Account Manager, Digital experience design, Business Intelligence & Reporting, SEO technical, SEO content, Social Media Strategist, Technical Managers, etc.), the Digital Boost Units provide big brands with the acquisition of new technologies, new practices and solutions to execute digital marketing strategies.

This allows reducing the client’s learning curve and increasing productivity by up to 20%, proven by our own success stories with clients.

“Digital Boost Units allow creating synergy between areas where the expected result can be doubled VS what could be generated in normal operation”

Ivonne de la Guardia, Business Leader DBUs

Another latent benefit that decision makers are interested in is that with this model implemented, the annual budget has been optimized by up to 18%.

An amount that is reflected in millions of pesos at the end of the year and that can lead to investing in new processes and digital marketing strategies for the future of their brands.

Contact us and take your customer journey to the next level!

CTV Advertising in the new OTT era

CTV Advertising

Last year in the US, brands across industries spent approximately $10.3 billion on specialized programmatic strategies with distribution on CTV platforms.

This represented a growth of 82% vs. 2020. (eMarketer)

This new way of watching TV has unleashed an entire innovative ecosystem in digital marketing. The same innovation that, being so disruptive, becomes resistant for some CMOs of global brands.

That is the main role of a strategic partner, helping you connect with new trends and audiences in a structured way adapted to your business model.

Why consider OTT / CTV platforms?

And it is not just mentioning innovation and “must be” for the sake of it. There are such attractive benefits for your campaigns that other channels may not be solving 100%.

One of the main ones is the ability to reach younger audiences. We know that streaming content and these platforms are mostly consumed by the new generations.

Linear TV went into the background and that is why numerous publishers have launched with this new digital format; Just seeing the offer that is on the market gives us a very clear idea.


Apart from considering different audiences segmented by age, we can integrate a personalized strategy through digital attributes such as cities, gender, content interests, hours and consumption channel.

The highly personalized proposal that these platforms offer you allows you to develop such direct strategies for each consumer profile that you have considered in your target audiences.

Effectiveness and better ROI measurement

The above triggers a series of relevant data for a better analysis of the performance of your campaigns. Results monitored in real time achieving continuous optimization based on KPIs.

With proven success stories with our clients, we have obtained results of up to 88% VCR and a CTR of 5% in just one month of campaign implementation.

And it doesn’t just stop there, these platforms are an excellent way to build 1std party data through tags and interactive formats. The sum of all these actions contributes to a better result and ROI measurement to be able to allocate your budget to more advanced digital marketing strategies.

Inventories TV 2.0 vs. Linear TV

Yes, there is also a benefit in this. We know that, in traditional TV, in order to be present in the times of greatest content consumption, large investments are needed to include your spot, also considering that you are not the only brand that wants to be in the same moments.

The very diverse offer in CTV that currently exists in the market allows achieving a good performance of campaigns with more intelligent investments, linking this with the previous point of having greater certainty of reaching the correct audience.

Don’t skip CTV

With the benefits of these new digital channels crystal clear, let’s talk about the creative innovations that make CTV ads interactive, engaging, and memorable. As digital experience strategists we share the latest trends to develop relevant formats for the audience.

1.-QR Codes: this is where we take advantage of the use of a second device while watching CTV. QR codes are that link between the second screen and make it even easier for viewers to take quick action when they’re most interested. The code can take them to a landing page or even place the product directly in their shopping cart for a complete experience.

2.-Interactive ads: Be relevant among so much content that they consume every day. Allow users to interact with your brand using the CTV remote control. Give them the freedom to discover your product attributes within the ad. Actions such as zooming or moving the article generate greater interest from the viewer and your brand stands out from the rest.

3.-Custom animations: advertisers can capture the user’s attention through creative animations that integrate their key messages. The use of animation technology can show an article scrolling across the screen. For consumer brands, they can integrate an animated carousel of products to attract the attention of the viewer.

Have we convinced you yet?

Through dynamic technology in digital marketing you can offer different CTV experiences for your viewers. This applies at the regional level to as local as possible.

This is how hyper-targeted your campaign can be. Develop innovation in the way you communicate, leveraging these new platforms and with the advice of allies who deeply understand these new trends.

Contact us and take your customer journey to the next level!