We all already know the news, by July of next year Google Analytics 4, GA4, will be a reality for all digital campaigns and databases of any brand. Regardless of size, turn, objectives or budget, this migration will be mandatory for everyone.
If you still do not have details of the benefits that this evolution offers you, here is a summary of what you need to know.
GA4 Why do it this year?
July 2023 may seem far away but it is not.
Considering that it is a whole process of adaptation, configuration and understanding for your campaigns and database.
And most importantly, create your history now and don’t lose data in the process.
Don’t wait to generate the change until next year, GA4 is 100% machine learning based and needs historical data to be efficient and effective. If you are a company that makes decisions based on data, it is essential to do it as soon as possible. Especially if it’s big data.
You are on time! Get ready for the most important campaigns of the year; Buen Fin, Cyber Monday, World Cup Qatar and December season.
LDM Digital Performance Marketing Agency
At LDM we are experts in digital evolution and this case is our specialty.
We guide you in the migration and adapt it according to your objectives, business model and digital channels. You will also receive a comprehensive training for a deep understanding of the potential of GA4 and be able to elevate the Business Intelligence solutions that you currently have in your company.
We complement it with SEO in ecommerce and Business Intelligence.
Whatever your business and brand needs. From optimizing the performance of your ecommerce through SEO to the creation of additional dashboards that complement the digital infrastructure of data collection in this new cookieless era.
Where to start?
To start the migration process requires very simple and quick steps to execute, such as access to the current Google Analytics and Tag Manager.
It’s not that complicated, is it?
Let the experts guide you and plan in the best possible way this great evolution for your brand.
Your database is one of the most important assets of your organization and your brand.
Enriching the information of your leads, users and audience in general, allows you to generate a complete picture in decision making than what a raw excel database can offer you.
There are many benefits after all this, starting from the creation of your Customer Data Platform to the advanced optimization of your precision marketing campaigns through Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) solutions.
Data Enrichment is the process of combining and adding 1st party data or 3rd party data to a base that is already being built. This can be anything from a simple CRM that is already operating to your own excel database.
Why is Data Enrichment so important?
Data enrichment improves your database accuracy
Having an unstructured database with little information about each user is not effective enough to create a digital marketing strategy with impactful results. Data enrichment plays a crucial role in converting that raw data into a “live” platform that is the starting point for Smart Data Management. This applies to smaller companies, up to and including those that handle large volumes of data.
With this first step, companies collect data that is valuable for decision making and campaign creation. This brings security and credibility to the data visualization by being more accurate.
2. You evolve customer segmentation and profiling
Once you have this accurate, complete and updated data, brands can customize the content by user profile in each of their marketing campaigns, making them more effective and optimizing their budget. That is, you can directly impact a potential consumer who was interacting in your ecommerce with certain products, to a user who has just had a first approach with your brand in the digital environment.
With Data Enrichment you can segment your database to channel certain ads and communication more relevant to specific users who have specific interests and/or are at a different point in the journey.
This is the first step, a Future proof company. Building your audiences becomes the area’s most valuable asset. Generating an increase in conversions for digital campaigns, which impacts the ROI of all your sales efforts.
3. Improve your customers’ experience
Data Enrichment also allows your brand to be relevant to your different audiences. By personalizing a communication and content at each stage of the conversion funnel that is tailored to their searches and profiles. When this experience is personalized for each user profile, it strengthens the brand’s relationship with your customers as they feel that you truly understand their needs and adapt down to the tone and channel where they are contacted.
LDM Digital Performance Marketing Agency
It can be read as something simple and that does not go beyond a structuring of your database, but the reality is that Data Enrichment is a more complex process, especially for those brands that have a large volume of data.
To start this process in the best way, at LDM we create a strategic plan that guarantees the successful implementation of all the factors involved, both in technology and in the understanding of the audiences to make an advanced segmentation and later link it with the new Google Analytics 4 platform.
The great importance of this first step is the potential you develop for your future strategies, raising your business goals and results from the benefits of GA4.
At the same time, you are integrating Customer Data Platforms; tools that help to intelligently manage the dynamism and activation of your database.
Our involvement as a digital performance marketing agency can start before the action: establish the objective to enrich your database.
It can range from improving the quality and accuracy of your data to increasing the performance of your campaigns. Every decision and strategy creation starts from the visualization of this important objective.
The integration of the right platforms is a very important factor in this process to achieve a high quality database, as they collect, organize and clean your data, even in real time. And with the help of a digital partner they will be able to interpret, structure and activate that information to convert it into closed sales until the end of the journey.
Activate your database
In summary, having an optimal database is a challenge that all companies must accept, being the first step of a digital evolution in their environment. Making decisions with incomplete, outdated information is a constant occurrence in marketing teams. Don’t let your brand be the case!
Change and accelerate the course of your growth with a comprehensive and intelligent structure of your database with the support of advanced and specialized platforms, and with the consulting and implementation of an expert team in Data Management & Data Driven.
Find more powerful insights for a direct impact with your audience and better understand your users’ behavior through this first big step. Invest your marketing budget in results-driven and scalable long-term strategies to integrate your loyalty plans starting from the same database.
Have you ever been the victim of an offer too good to pass up? We can assure you that you have, and it’s not your fault, there are psychological underpinnings behind this situation. Limited time offers are one of the most used gimmicks in the marketing people’s handbook, and it’s simple: they work and they work excellently. Limited-time offers, in fact, play on two very primitive parts of our emotions, the FOMO (fear of missing out) and our sense of preservation, observable through the reactance theory.
Limited-time offers and the pressure of the moment
FOMO is a popular term among millennials. FOMO is what drives a person to do something, buy something or be a part of something. An instinctive part of our social behavior comes from fear of rejection and the need to belong, which we’ll talk about next. Being part of a group and not being rejected is essential to the human experience, it is a matter of survival, it is in our genetics. On the other hand, there is an unprecedented appreciation of experiences and even more so when they are unique. The fear of missing out on something that might not happen again drives an almost uncomfortable sense of urgency in our brains.
On the other hand, the active resistance theory tells us about a feeling of preservation, wanting to acquire something before it disappears; in a way, we feel forced to preserve something that would otherwise disappear forever. This can be seen not only in limited-time offers, but in scarce quantities of a product or in the banning of a product. The feeling that there will be something we will never have again or will not be able to access exponentially increases the desire generated in our minds to acquire it. Limited time offers, then, make us feel that we are, in a way, taking advantage of an offer and save it from fading away in time and on the other hand it is important to consider a digital marketing agency that understands the feeling of audiences at this point.
Of course, as marketing people, it’s not enough for us to just put up limited time offers and hope that people will magically get to it. While limited time offers are powerful and aggressive sales strategies, as with everything else, they are not a panacea for sales.
Here are some tips, so that you can design the best strategy to take advantage of limited time offers.
Add a counter: time is a very curious thing, we don’t notice its passing until we are aware of it. Adding a counter not only serves to see the passage of time in an analogous way, but also creates an unusual sense of urgency. Internet users tend to be procrastinators by nature; if they think they have more time to do something, they will procrastinate, but if they see time spilling through their fingers, then they will act with haste. In fact, to put some hard numbers on it, limited-time offers with a counter convert 8% more than those without one.
Set a defined period of time: it’s not the same to say “run, because they’re running out” as it is to say “there’s only one left”. Similarly, saying “for a limited time” is not the same as saying “you have until tomorrow to do it”. Setting a time frame will help people feel even more pressured by your limited-time offers. By going from something vague to something concrete, you make it real and make consumers feel pressure to buy.
Be honest: as in everything, honesty is key to generate a good perception by buyers, as well as trust in the brand, so, instead of creating an inflated offer only embellished by a temporary constriction, offer them real limited time offers.
As in everything, timing and opportunity are essential: schedule your limited-time offers according to important dates. We know, for example, the offers that occur around the world in the summer or digital events such as Cybermonday or the Hot Sale. Take advantage of holidays and peak consumption dates, such as the end of the year, so that you have a higher conversion
It helps to better position all sites or brands in local searches with a defined cluster.
ROI is up to 12 times better with organic traffic.
SEO is becoming increasingly relevant among digital marketing strategies, contributing to the responsibilities and objectives of positioning, traffic, conversions and engagement through content on each of your brand’s sites.
The challenge rises in complexity when it’s not just about a few sites or, in your case, a single brand. Aligning the expectations, messages and conversation topics of an entire company that manages different sites is a structure that must be defined as a priority.
Here are the basics of large-scale SEO.
What is the definition of Corporate SEO?
Or it can be called Enterprise SEO, Corporate SEO is just the mix of these two approaches, brands that have digital channels (sites and landings) of high volume, as well as businesses that have in their credentials a large number of brands but all are part of a corporate or holding company. It all depends on the situation and the business model.
Why is it important to integrate Corporate SEO?
The big difference is scale. The challenges faced by SMBs are not the same as they might be with large volume and reach brands. The simple fact of generating a content article as part of your content marketing strategy can impact legal aspects, branding, policies and corporate communication, among many other areas.
That is why it is essential to maintain an alignment throughout the company structure despite the independent campaigns of your brands. Efforts should be directed to the construction of a whole group or holding and not only see the positioning objectives for each brand separately and totally isolated, even competing directly with each other without having planned it.
As a consequence, this helps to align priorities, efforts of specialized SEO teams, programming to integrate the strategy into the code and other legal issues of privacy and permissions. So you can keep processes and workflows simpler.
And speaking of code, Corporate SEO helps to integrate this process between lots of sites and content that are developed every day, this is reflected at the end in a better performance in your PPC campaigns to be more optimized and integrated with your keywords.
What are the benefits of Corporate SEO?
The most important point is the collaboration achieved between areas and brands of the same business group. Seamless integration with other teams in a corporate environment. That means making sure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. The key is to have the full picture of the company’s vision considered in the content developed by each team.
SEO, how do you get started?
LDM Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence Agency
The initial point to keep in mind is that an SEO strategy by its nature is something that has long term results, it is not something immediate. The efforts are mostly organic and are complemented and integrated very well with performance actions as well as branded content with a publisher.
With this very clear, the next step is to develop together with a partner specialized in digital marketing, a solid SEO strategy; based on the structure and business model of the entire corporation, including all its brands.
With this in mind, the next step is to develop, together with a partner specialized in digital marketing, a solid SEO strategy based on the structure and business model of the entire corporation, including all its brands.
With our mindset, top talent (SEO Business Unit), advanced technology and Business Intelligence platforms you will be able to obtain an optimal positioning in your audiences by covering all digital channels where your brands interact.
Learn more about SEO & PPC strategies for your brand.