How to improve your Omnichannel Strategy
Talking about a good strategy focused on performance has to be integral. But, what does this mean? It means that all the strategies that involve the business target, can work as a team. Starting from this vision, not only digital marketing specialists and their variants, but also those who manage offline media, must join forces …
What is Growth Hacking? | Here’s what you need to know
Few resources, a lot of analysis, creativity and above all, the priority of growth and making a brand a trend… Welcome to Growth Hacking! This is a term that we constantly hear, but we don’t have a clear definition of what is being done and/or the person who executes this work, so we leave it …
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Political digital marketing | How to win an election thanks to internet
Digital marketing plays a fundamental factor in society, and politics is no exception to that. That’s why so many candidates advocate Political Digital Marketing. For more than a decade, digital scenarios became the best communication and relationship tool for politicians and voters. The visibility and closeness achieved with the current platforms, hardly equals with other …
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Mobile marketing strategies that you should know
Are you reading this from your mobile phone? The odds are very high. According to statistics, 62% of people who are on the internet, do it from mobile devices. Besides, every time the human being becomes more addicted: Approximately one person checks his smartphone about 150 times a day, dedicating about 3 hours a day to …
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