Category: Branding

Political marketing is a term that might not be familiar for you. Most likely, you haven’t only heard the term, but you surely have been the target of this marketing tool, Political Marketing. This goes beyond a public image survey of a particular character or a party. Political Marketing is composed of a series of …
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Few resources, a lot of analysis, creativity and above all, the priority of growth and making a brand a trend… Welcome to Growth Hacking! This is a term that we constantly hear, but we don’t have a clear definition of what is being done and/or the person who executes this work, so we leave it …
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Digital marketing plays a fundamental factor in society, and politics is no exception to that. That’s why so many candidates advocate Political Digital Marketing. For more than a decade, digital scenarios became the best communication and relationship tool for politicians and voters. The visibility and closeness achieved with the current platforms, hardly equals with other …
Continue reading “Political digital marketing | How to win an election thanks to internet”