Category: Digital Marketing

Category: Digital Marketing

Use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and businesses.

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The main subsidiary of the American multinational company Alphabet, and owner of the main search engine on the Web, Google, has a success story behind each of its products. We know great tools of mass consumption like Gmail, Google Maps, Google Earth, YouTube, Google Chrome, Android, among others. “Speed ​​and excellence, two core concepts for …

We all remember the horror stories when we needed to contact any customer service department of a company to make some kind of consultation, or requesting a service or filing a complaint that took a lot of time and steps. As a solution, Yalo Chat was born, driven by business ChatBots and artificial intelligence. Long …

When it comes to campaign investments, it is necessary to get the most out of every dollar you invest. And if you work with a multichannel strategy, it is important to know your results on all platforms (radio, digital TV, ads, etc.). That’s when Decidata becomes your best ally, especially if you do Moment Marketing. …

The Digital Marketing is increasingly demanding nowadays, and large corporations and agencies are increasingly interested in better prepared professionals. If you are one of those who can’t wait for a Google Course, this is for you! But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you can’t work in this sector so covet. Thanks to the vision …