Category: Digital Marketing

Category: Digital Marketing

Use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and businesses.

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Not all companies have the possibility to produce and distribute, just as there are companies that only need the product to market it, without having to buy their stock in large quantities. That is when we enter into the world of Dropshipping. Therefore, the e-commerce strategy focused on creating the distribution of products or services …

Having a conversation about a comprehensive digital marketing strategy certainly has to touch the point of using this niche influencer figure, well known as microinfluencer. For 5 years, influencers have been talked about and how they changed the online conversion process. However, everything mainstream ends up getting tired and few macroinfluencers have been able to …

People is still the best way to approach people. For some years now, influencers have been an integral part of a well-orchestrated digital marketing strategy. From among the sea of ​​people to meet in this medium, there are several digital marketing influencers that are worth following and in the process, you can learn a thing …

When it comes to 360 Marketing strategy, it is usually about defining a marketing plan with a presence both in the digital and in the traditional plane. The 360 ​​number is both broad and powerful, and there is no definitive example that distinguishes what a 360 campaign really is. Instead, its meaning can be very …