Category: Digital Marketing

Being a changing medium is not an easy job, as digital marketing, a process always on the move and continuous improvement and renewal. So being up-to-date, is never enough. There is a wide range of courses that you can find online; from some with cost and curricular value of prestigious institutions, to some that will …
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In this environment, continuous training is not an advantage, it is a necessity. Therefore, digital marketing courses are your best ally. Fortunately, for all of us, there are many available options, to continue learning and keep us updated. There are many digital marketing courses, but not all have the advantage of being taken online. We …
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Leads… Everybody talk about them and how to generate them, so several aspects must be considered. First of all, be clear about what a lead is: Registration of an individual who shows interest in the acquisition of a service or product. Starting from this premise, the generation and monitoring of these leads or “prospects” is …
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Do you know what neuromarketing is? Always looking for new ways to communicate to the target audience and, above all to generate sales, marketing has ventured into various methods of persuasion. Among these, one of the most recent has been neuromarketing, which was mentioned as such less than 15 years ago. The principle of neuromarketing …