Category: Digital Marketing

Category: Digital Marketing

Use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and businesses.

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To start a business, not only money and encouragement are needed. Even if the latter are of vital importance, you also need to know the details of the industry you want to participate in. And of course, have the right marketing strategy, in this case, digital marketing. In our article today, we present some points …

Performance marketing is one of the most important tools for both brands and marketers. This is based on the basic principle of paying for results, either by exposure and visibility, by interaction or by a specific action. Performance marketing offers clarity and transparency in services. Currently, these results can be easily measured and studied. Performance …

Talking about a good strategy focused on performance has to be integral. But, what does this mean? It means that all the strategies that involve the business target, can work as a team. Starting from this vision, not only digital marketing specialists and their variants, but also those who manage offline media, must join forces …

Few resources, a lot of analysis, creativity and above all, the priority of growth and making a brand a trend… Welcome to Growth Hacking! This is a term that we constantly hear, but we don’t have a clear definition of what is being done and/or the person who executes this work, so we leave it …