Category: Digital Marketing

Digital marketing plays a fundamental factor in society, and politics is no exception to that. That’s why so many candidates advocate Political Digital Marketing. For more than a decade, digital scenarios became the best communication and relationship tool for politicians and voters. The visibility and closeness achieved with the current platforms, hardly equals with other …
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Are you reading this from your mobile phone? The odds are very high. According to statistics, 62% of people who are on the internet, do it from mobile devices. Besides, every time the human being becomes more addicted: Approximately one person checks his smartphone about 150 times a day, dedicating about 3 hours a day to …
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It is a fact that color affects the way people behave. This is why understanding what color psychology is and how it works, is vital for its application in marketing and, even more so, in digital marketing. But, before entering to share strategies to improve your design based on the correct use of colors, let’s …

The key to any optimization is found in the analytical tools, data and relevant business information. There are many analytical tools, but finding the one that suits you the best, or how and when to use it, can be difficult. Optimization and digital campaigns Visual Analytics: Numbers can be analyzed in different ways and the …
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