Category: Digital Marketing

Category: Digital Marketing

Use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and businesses.

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Cyber-attacks on companies have increased exponentially in recent years and are expected to continue to grow during 2023. They will be increasingly sophisticated and targeted attacks on information systems, making the information security of brands and, most importantly, of users and audiences, highly vulnerable. This concern becomes more relevant when we tie the end of …

The elimination of cookies opens up new opportunities for all marketing teams to generate positive levels of trust and loyalty with their digital audiences. A point that adds to the balance but represents the development of much more robust strategies for brands. The long-term solution: 1st party data. Winking at each user will not necessarily …

Previously we have analyzed the benefits of SEO and PPC. Not that one is better than the other if we separate them, the question now really is: How to integrate SEO and PPC properly for your brand? The two integrate very well to drive search success. It’s not always just SEO versus PPC/SEM; each channel …

A boom that translated into more than 100 million users globally in just two months and that also put Big Tech in sprint mode to launch its proposal as soon as possible.  This tool put artificial intelligence in the spotlight it needed, making it accessible, practical and highly functional. And as with every technological innovation, …