Category: Inbound Marketing

As we mentioned in our previous article “The demise of cookies”, the era of cookies will come to an end in 2022. Apple with Mozilla, Microsoft with Edge and now Google with Chrome, will focus on user privacy and as a result, remove all cookies from their browsers. If we double click on digital advertising, …
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Being a changing medium is not an easy job, as digital marketing, a process always on the move and continuous improvement and renewal. So being up-to-date, is never enough. There is a wide range of courses that you can find online; from some with cost and curricular value of prestigious institutions, to some that will …
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Inbound Marketing, or attraction marketing, consists in making the user to find you, contrary to the traditional marketing (that consists of chasing customers). In other words, Inbound Marketing doesn’t focus directly on the sale, but rather on informing the consumer. The effectiveness of this “technique” is the construction of its own channel to capture users …

Leads… Everybody talk about them and how to generate them, so several aspects must be considered. First of all, be clear about what a lead is: Registration of an individual who shows interest in the acquisition of a service or product. Starting from this premise, the generation and monitoring of these leads or “prospects” is …
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