Category: Lead Generation

Category: Lead Generation

Grow your sales by quickly identify your customers in the digital world and it makes them act in favor of your product.

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As we mentioned in our previous article “The demise of cookies”, the era of cookies will come to an end in 2022. Apple with Mozilla, Microsoft with Edge and now Google with Chrome, will focus on user privacy and as a result, remove all cookies from their browsers.  If we double click on digital advertising, …

In our previous blog about leads, we talked about how to generate these small capsules of information that are important and useful for companies, because they are the way in which they will allow them to convert their investment in the digital world to real sales. In e-marketing, when a user after an internet search …

Leads… Everybody talk about them and how to generate them, so several aspects must be considered. First of all, be clear about what a lead is: Registration of an individual who shows interest in the acquisition of a service or product. Starting from this premise, the generation and monitoring of these leads or “prospects” is …

Performance marketing is one of the most important tools for both brands and marketers. This is based on the basic principle of paying for results, either by exposure and visibility, by interaction or by a specific action. Performance marketing offers clarity and transparency in services. Currently, these results can be easily measured and studied. Performance …