Corporate Training Software | Increase your company’s productivity using Hero Guest


Corporate Training Software | Increase your company’s productivity using Hero Guest

Restaurant owners invest large amounts of money in their businesses, but the training of their staff is also required to provide excellent customer service. However, as learning is mostly limited to traditional methods, it is why a Corporate Training Software was born known as Hero Guest.

We all know, that the reputation of a company takes years to build, but it only takes a couple of minutes and bad decision-making for all to fall apart.

After working for years in the restaurant sector, Mero Mole launched Hero Guest the Corporate Training Software which is dedicated to evolving consumer experience and the profitability of restaurants.

The application was created to train restaurant employees through evaluations, and it was able to teach everything from placing the cutlery on a table to serving the client and preparing each of the dishes. Currently, the Hero Guest software technology has expanded to different sectors due to its wide adaptability.

It’s the details that count, and for this Corporate Training Software, for example,  you can teach your collaborators from the correct way to execute a process, to the correct technique to provide cordial treatment to customers. Unquestionably, it is why training for all your staff is fundamental within the resources of your company.

A well-trained staff sells up to 24% more, according to US statistics; many believe that they can raise their income up to 30 or 40%, but that is not true, only a great promotion increases between 7 and 12%.

Eduardo Méndez, co-founder of Hero Guest

What is Corporate Training Software?

It is the set of processes or information that can be learned through digital platforms. This allows acquiring knowledge in more interactive and easy ways to understand it.

How can I download Hero Guest?

This app is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Hero Guest is the Corporate Training Software that teaches your staff interactively

From the simplest tasks to the most complex objective, each tool is designed to improve team productivity, business profitability, and consumer experience with metrics that give you full visibility of your operation.

Furthermore, Hero Guest offers you personalized digital training according to the business information so that the employee knows every detail of the place. Therefore, it has different areas: training, supervision, human resources, and marketing. It is why you can adapt it to each company or industry. Clearly, everything is born from the premise of teaching your staff in an interactive way and with greater knowledge retention.

Top 4 Hero Guest benefits

Learn about the benefits of digital training on Hero Guest as your learning and customer service improvement platform.

  1. Supervision

    Digitizes your monitoring lists or other checklists and gives you visibility into the status of your stores in real-time.

  2. Strategic Sales

    P-Mix analysis and quarterly courses of suggestive and impulsive sales strategies designed to increase sales and reduce COGS.

  3. User Experience Measurement

    Includes consumer satisfaction surveys to give you visibility of the experience in real-time.

  4. Continuous Improvement

    Quarterly courses designed to reduce operating problems based on consumer reviews and surveys.

training courses software

How does Hero Guest make the difference?

Hero Guest focuses on the consumer experience and the person who has that direct connection with the client as someone who represents the brand.

So, the experience is 100% in the hands of the staff, and that staff needs to be prepared to offer their best. While it´s true that you can get many people to visit your company, it is a probability that if they do not receive good attention, then there is a good chance that they will not return.

This is why Hero Guest bases its work on three basic principles:

  • Custom Education

They take the heavy and difficult to read manuals and make them playful and easy to understand. Topics such as Introduction, Service Cycle, Processes, Standards, and Menus, are modified and adapted to the platform, making your learning easier.

  • Tactical Training

Although the theoretical part is important, the real value is in the delivery of that knowledge and where the efforts we have made will really be reflected. One of its great advantages is the constant training and positive reinforcement which is done through competitions between branches, improvement of courses, and industry knowledge.

  • Data based decisions

People need to understand the data and what it means because it allows an effective decision. Subsequently, it is through these understandable actions that they can help all team members understand it as well. 

LDM has been part of the evolution of consumers

Everything that is not measurable cannot be improved

This is the main basic principle that we are inspired, which is why Hero Guest is one of the applications we offer to our clients.

Although it is true that its first purpose is to function as a training tool for the gastronomic industry, others such as retail can also benefit from digital training.

At Latam Digital Marketing we focus on doing Performance Marketing through different Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence platforms, but we also provide our clients with the necessary tools to achieve their objectives.

Hero Guest

If you want to incorporate this excellent tool into your brand, we are here to help you!

This app is so innovative and recognized that is has been largely talked about in Mexico, so much so that it has been presented nationally and internationally. It was presented in the most important Artificial Intelligence Event in the region: LDM Kore AI Hub. Here we give you a glimpse of the presentation:

Learn more about the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and meet the # 1 Performance Digital Marketing agency in the region.

If you want to quote and get more information about Hero Guest for your brand or company, you can do it here:

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CEO - Fundador

After working for almost a decade in marketing in Procter & Gamble, Alberto envisions the power of changes in the digital era and decides to focus in the entrepreneurship world in Latam. In 2012 he founds his first start-up,, changing the way to engage with real estate in the region. Alberto served as Marketing VP for Agora Technologies at Silicon Valley, a company finance by Guy Kawasaki & Nolan Bushnell, where he developed the main concept of Startup Icon. Today, Alberto is the CEO of the holding company that conforms Latam Digital Marketing, and its subsidiaries in Latin America.
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