Let’s talk about Lead Generation Marketing


Let’s talk about Lead Generation Marketing

Leads… Everybody talk about them and how to generate them, so several aspects must be considered. First of all, be clear about what a lead is: Registration of an individual who shows interest in the acquisition of a service or product.

Starting from this premise, the generation and monitoring of these leads or “prospects” is an important part, perhaps even crucial, in the sales process.

A lead is a user who has delivered their data to a company and, as a consequence, becomes a record of its database with which the organization can interact. For this, it is also necessary that this person has accepted the company’s privacy policy.

When generating a lead, you should keep in mind and as a whole, the optimal monitoring of it. The reason? It is always important to adjust the message according to the stage where the user is in the purchase process.

Within the inbound methodology, lead generation and tracking occurs when the visitor becomes a contact, and he or she is getting closer to the purchase choice to eventually become a potential customer.

online lead generation

There are different channels for lead acquisition in the digital field

One of them is Email Marketing, known as one of the most classic in online marketing. With these types of campaigns, it is possible to achieve excellent results as long as the following is considered: Target segmentation, shipping time, design and creativity with which it was carried out.

Display advertising (banners), in different digital media, well structured and with a good creative process, can generate interesting volumes of leads without making a huge expense.

Another way to generate leads is through the insertion of advertisements in search engines such as Google or Yahoo, where good conversion results are usually obtained, as long as the campaign is properly segmented and the campaign has been planned, so the advertising reaches precisely those potential customers.

On the other hand, with search marketing, it is possible to achieve especially outstanding results in sectors such as catering or local businesses, if the possibilities offered by geolocation are properly exploited.

5 tips that can help you reach your buyers more easily

  • Be concise on the information you need for your lead. People don’t feel confident in providing too much personal data on any platform.
  • The more content you can create on your blog, the bigger your chances are of getting leads.
  • Add short and easy-to-fill forms (name, email, etc.) on your page and different sections, so if the person is really interested, you will have all the registration details.
  • Constantly evaluate the leads you receive. This will allow you to analyze if the strategy you are using is correct, or if changes are necessary.
  • Develop valuable content: The better you offer a person in exchange for their information, the greater the possibility of filling in any form for the incentive.

The ultimate goal will always be to sell and for companies to see results of our work.

It is important that our efforts will be well directed to get the right leads, so testing strategies and measuring their results is what will allow us to know if what we are doing works or not.

In the end, a good practice, a good campaign and a good strategy, will always be the best way to create quality leads.

As a Performance Agency, we work to take your brand to the next level. Contact us!

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CEO - Fundador

After working for almost a decade in marketing in Procter & Gamble, Alberto envisions the power of changes in the digital era and decides to focus in the entrepreneurship world in Latam. In 2012 he founds his first start-up, gogetit.com.pa, changing the way to engage with real estate in the region. Alberto served as Marketing VP for Agora Technologies at Silicon Valley, a company finance by Guy Kawasaki & Nolan Bushnell, where he developed the main concept of Startup Icon. Today, Alberto is the CEO of the holding company that conforms Latam Digital Marketing, Gogetit.com and its subsidiaries in Latin America.
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