How to improve your Omnichannel Strategy


How to improve your Omnichannel Strategy

Talking about a good strategy focused on performance has to be integral.

But, what does this mean?

It means that all the strategies that involve the business target, can work as a team. Starting from this vision, not only digital marketing specialists and their variants, but also those who manage offline media, must join forces to draw effective strategies under the term Omnichannel Marketing (or multichannel).

Much has been said about the Omnichannel Marketing worldwide, but there is no doubt that Latin America is beginning to realize this. Today, large companies are becoming aware of the advantages of having an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy.

To create a good Omnichannel Marketing strategy, you must know how your product or service is performing in different channels. And nevertheless, to know how the customer journey is thorough.

What is the Omnichannel basis?

It consists of achieving to homogenize a message of your brand to all media where your consumer has a presence, in order to guide it to an action by the consumer. In easy words, with a good strategy of Omnichannel Marketing, you will give your consumer what he wants, when he wants and how he wants it.

omni channel strategy

With Omnichannel Marketing strategies, the journey of all customers starts with a channel. In this stage, the consumer is interacting but is not close to the purchase process. After this, he decides to review more information on another channel, and when he finds all homogenized, he decides to take action.

At this point, the consumer is already more receptive and ready to buy. He goes to another channel to make the purchase, and let’s say that this consumer decides to talk to the customer because he began to doubt making the purchase online. Then, a persuasion channel is opened.

Once you’re there, you already have the consumer in the final stage. All you need is a “push”. Then, the consumer could continue the operation talking to the customer and collect the product in a physical store or make their payment online.

In the opposite way to what really happens in a single-channel strategy or even a multi-channel (different channels that operate autonomously) in Omnichannel Marketing strategies, the consumer no longer perceives which one is the sales channel, but he rather focuses on the experience consisting of having the brand blurring the channels thanks to the fact that the information flows naturally in the channel and precise moment.

omni channel experience


Do you know the benefits of managing an Omnichannel Strategy?

  • To improve the perception that the consumer has of your brand and can generate loyalty:
    Current consumers seek to have a unique, personalized and consistent experience regarding the brand’s message, no matter which channel they’re using.
  • It makes your database more robust and in a more efficient way:

The main objective of an Omnichannel Marketing strategy is being able to detect or track your customers by implementing multiple channels, not only to know where they come but its preferences, so the client basically feels that you know him maybe better than he knows himself.

  • Help for increasing sales:
    This point goes hand in hand with the previous one: The more you know your consumer, the better you will be when detecting sales opportunities. And not only recurring or unitary sales, but also complementary sales.

omnichannel strategy

While these strategies of Omnichannel Marketing can be used in different industrial areas, there is no doubt that they can be seen implemented more often in the retail industry, which migration to e-commerce, projects a 20% growth.

At LDM, we had the opportunity to apply an Omnichannel Marketing and machine learning strategy for this industry. This allowed us to cross data from online campaigns with purchases made in any of its channels. By doing this, was possible to identify the online and offline behavior to know what were the opportunity areas for our client.

In the same way, efforts were made with another retail brand with a great presence in its territory, (in this case, in Mexico) last year during the Football World Cup. What was sought in this particular case was to enrich the database and boost the purchase at a point of sale (POS).

Through a strategy of omnichannel marketing, it was achieved (through digital interaction) the enriching of the database and at the same time, began a massive mailing campaign that detonated a benefit, allowing the consumer could see it reflected only in offline shopping.

In both cases, sales were increased and the relationship between the brand and the final consumer was strengthened, having as common denominator an effective omnichannel strategy.

An Omni-Channel Marketing strategy doesn’t mean that your brand must be in all media, but it applies an action plan where the points of contact between the consumer and the brand are active and coordinated with defined objectives.

If a brand wants to start thinking about omnichannel, it must be open and involved, so the customer’s experience is pleasantly personalized, continuous and universal.

omnichannel commerce

And if your company already has an Omnichannel Marketing strategy, we recommend you implement the following tips:

  • Take into consideration the content
    As with any campaign, the content will be the soul of your omnichannel efforts. First, you must analyze the content you have, and if this is able to have the attention of your buyer. It is important to remember that when you work with attractive and quality content, it speaks well of your brand.


  • Base your strategy on Customer Service

It is essential that the Omnichannel Marketing experience focuses on the customer. First, you must know your target customer and the preferred channels. Once you know them, you must improve response times in all areas. Faster responses not only improve engagement with potential customers but also reduce the turnover of existing ones.

  • All channels must be in the same line

Imagine that you send an email to your potential client who recently subscribed to your newsletter. After reading the email, they access their Facebook page, and it has a different logo on the profile. Remember: Visual consistency is not only a priority: It also needs your message and language to be aligned across all channels. By doing this, you avoid conflicting messages and prevent campaigns from competing with each other without knowing it.

  • Improve customer service in-store

Optimization through digital channels is important, but for those with physical stores, all work doesn’t stop there. Customers want a perfect shopping experience: It is vital to maintain brand and message consistency between the digital and the physical world. The integration of technology in the store experience presents an excellent opportunity to maintain the momentum established before the purchase.

  • Use integrated systems

To put everything together and track the success of your Omnichannel Marketing strategy, you must be able to measure and act with the correct metrics. However, this will not be possible unless all of your relevant marketing tools are integrated. Doing this also decreases ambiguity and cleans up your data. Some platforms make this process accessible to companies of all sizes. There is a lot at stake in your business to delay the first step for more time. The only way to prosper is to fulfill the promise of personal, omnichannel experience.

Success Case in LDM: Novey, The Power to Carry Everything

Novey omnichannel strategy

One case of success we had in the work in Omnichannel was the Campaign of Novey: The Power to Carry Everything.

The first campaign with stickers made by the company offered its customers the possibility of buying and receiving them in-store or at home to their address. Only in its first week, they achieved 185,000 reproductions, more than 1,600 interactions with the ads of the promotion and 150% of the expected sales.

Customers prefer to shop at companies that provide excellent customer service experience. While companies have been focused on working on their Omnichannel Marketing strategy for more than a decade, not many have been able to offer a transition according to their needs. That’s why today we leave you a super short video so you can learn more about the buyers’ journey in Omnichannel Marketing.

Dare to create Omnichannel Marketing strategies and achieve your business targets: Let’s start the conversation!

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CEO - Fundador

After working for almost a decade in marketing in Procter & Gamble, Alberto envisions the power of changes in the digital era and decides to focus in the entrepreneurship world in Latam. In 2012 he founds his first start-up,, changing the way to engage with real estate in the region. Alberto served as Marketing VP for Agora Technologies at Silicon Valley, a company finance by Guy Kawasaki & Nolan Bushnell, where he developed the main concept of Startup Icon. Today, Alberto is the CEO of the holding company that conforms Latam Digital Marketing, and its subsidiaries in Latin America.
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