Optimization | The success of digital campaigns


Optimization | The success of digital campaigns

The key to any optimization is found in the analytical tools, data and relevant business information. There are many analytical tools, but finding the one that suits you the best, or how and when to use it, can be difficult.

Optimization and digital campaigns

Visual Analytics: Numbers can be analyzed in different ways and the simplest way is visual or graphic. With these tools, data analysis seeks to be visualized in the most human way possible. It is recommended to use it when we have a large volume of data.

Correlation Analysis: This technique allows us to determine the relationship between two separate variables and how strong their relationship is. It is very practical when we know that there is a relationship between two variables, but we want to measure how strong their union is.

Scenario analysis: Also known as horizon analysis, it is an analytical process that allows you to analyze a series of possible future events, considering certain alternatives. This allows us to make decisions and, above all, to plan the objectives in a strategic way.

Text Analytics: Known as the Analytical Summary, it seeks to summarize large amounts of data, taking relevant information: Notes, achievements, predictions, etc. Landing the operation in a concentrated way is the key.

Feeling Analysis: Also called opinion analysis. The evolution of Digital Marketing focuses on the generation of feelings within the masses; This analysis seeks to subjectively extract the feeling of a content and detail ‘LIKE’ or ‘DON’T LIKE’.

The analysis techniques are as extensive and complicated as you wish. This is one of the main reasons why many entrepreneurs choose to put aside the optimization of a digital project, when the reality is different.

When we properly use the data generated by our actions, we discover a whole new world of possibilities that, objectively, present greater financial income.

As a Performance Agency, we work to take your brand to the next level. Contact us!

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CEO - Fundador

After working for almost a decade in marketing in Procter & Gamble, Alberto envisions the power of changes in the digital era and decides to focus in the entrepreneurship world in Latam. In 2012 he founds his first start-up, gogetit.com.pa, changing the way to engage with real estate in the region. Alberto served as Marketing VP for Agora Technologies at Silicon Valley, a company finance by Guy Kawasaki & Nolan Bushnell, where he developed the main concept of Startup Icon. Today, Alberto is the CEO of the holding company that conforms Latam Digital Marketing, Gogetit.com and its subsidiaries in Latin America.
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