Inbound Marketing, or attraction marketing, consists in making the user to find you, contrary to the traditional marketing (that consists of chasing customers). In other words, Inbound Marketing doesn’t focus directly on the sale, but rather on informing the consumer. The effectiveness of this “technique” is the construction of its own channel to capture users and make them fall in love with valuable content.
It is mainly composed of content that is disseminated through different channels (digital media) in order to achieve the lowest acquisition cost and that the user obtains valuable information instead of just pressing it to access to buy the product or service directly . It is about the relationship that the brand makes with the consumer to help him rather than sell him.
Conversion. Convert the web traffic obtained into a database, essential for any Inbound Marketing action to come to good results.
Marketing automation. After having obtained or acquired the database, it is time to start two techniques: lead scoring and lead nurturing. Lead scoring refers to what position it is possible to know which contacts are the ones that are closest to formalizing a purchase. While lead nurturing refers to a series of actions aimed at bringing the benefits of a particular product closer to potential customers.
Keep customers satisfied. Offer them information that may be useful. Take care of those “leads” that, although they will never become customers, follow all the news of the brand.
Finally, Inbound Marketing allows us to better understand the user, give them valuable content, help them better understand their needs and, therefore, make them a subscriber of what we sell. At the end, in this environment what it is about is to help the user, not invade him.
As a Performance Agency, we work to take your brand to the next level. Contact us!
In our previous blog about leads, we talked about how to generate these small capsules of information that are important and useful for companies, because they are the way in which they will allow them to convert their investment in the digital world to real sales.
In e-marketing, when a user after an internet search arrives at a web page and fills in an information request form, we call this lead.
This is why, those masses of information so important for companies, should be able to be collected in a massive way, and the best way to do it would be 24/7/365. But having a staff constantly interacting with users to obtain this information, would imply a great use of human resources.
Then, the need is born to continue attracting customers, regardless of the time or place from which they contact us. But, only Call Centers have the possibility to remain available at any time for such work.
What can we do in that case?
The answer: Let’s use Bots
A bot is a software or computer program prepared to perform repetitive tasks over the Internet as if it were a human, that is, with some intelligence.
This is why there are different types of bots, assigning these personalized tasks to the needs of our companies.
And now is when we have a technological ally, that regardless of time or day, may be performing repetitive tasks for us.
When we finally implement bots on our websites and / or social networks, which can interact with people, we are using technology to our advantage.
This is achieved by detecting specific words in the chats, and the fact of storing the data we need to convert contacting with users into leads, makes us one step ahead.
But when talking about chatbots, we refer to one more step for Artificial Intelligence, since these bots are able to hold conversations with people and to carry out certain orders that we indicate.
Many users, without knowing it, will be interacting with a series of processes and commands, while they think there is a person on the other side of the screen responding.
What many people don’t know is that the history of bots is much older than imagined, since Eliza was the first chat bot in history, created in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT.
And even though his goal was to show the superficiality of human conversations, it was the proof of communication between the machine and man.
By detecting keywords, Eliza could start conversations. This became the first step towards Artificial Intelligence applied to the chats.
Artificial Intelligence applied to Digital Marketing
At the beginning, when we heard about Artificial Intelligence, the first thing that came to our mind were science fiction movies, Star Wars, ET and any other subject far from our reality.
But Artificial Intelligence is a reality, and is in contact with us more than we imagine.
That’s when we have two potential users:
Those who are concerned that it makes the processes so automated that human intervention is not necessary.
Those who trust that this will be a tool to streamline processes and make them more efficiently.
But the reality is that thanks to Digital Intelligence, chatbots have the possibility to create that interaction between people, so it doesn’t matter if you sleep, if you are out of work, or you simply don’t have access to your computer, the bots will all be there for you.
And we are able to request that series of data that will allow us to generate leads for our brands, regardless of the day or time.
Chatbot automation
Just as Facebook, Uber and many other platforms are incorporating into their lead capture strategy, we also have done so.
It is important that in a frequent time, we feed our chatbot, like as well as a child who learns vocabulary, the more words he knows, the better his performance can be.
Leads… Everybody talk about them and how to generate them, so several aspects must be considered. First of all, be clear about what a lead is: Registration of an individual who shows interest in the acquisition of a service or product.
Starting from this premise, the generation and monitoring of these leads or “prospects” is an important part, perhaps even crucial, in the sales process.
A lead is a user who has delivered their data to a company and, as a consequence, becomes a record of its database with which the organization can interact. For this, it is also necessary that this person has accepted the company’s privacy policy.
When generating a lead, you should keep in mind and as a whole, the optimal monitoring of it. The reason? It is always important to adjust the message according to the stage where the user is in the purchase process.
Within the inbound methodology, lead generation and tracking occurs when the visitor becomes a contact, and he or she is getting closer to the purchase choice to eventually become a potential customer.
There are different channels for lead acquisition in the digital field
One of them is Email Marketing, known as one of the most classic in online marketing. With these types of campaigns, it is possible to achieve excellent results as long as the following is considered: Target segmentation, shipping time, design and creativity with which it was carried out.
Display advertising (banners), in different digital media, well structured and with a good creative process, can generate interesting volumes of leads without making a huge expense.
Another way to generate leads is through the insertion of advertisements in search engines such as Google or Yahoo, where good conversion results are usually obtained, as long as the campaign is properly segmented and the campaign has been planned, so the advertising reaches precisely those potential customers.
On the other hand, with search marketing, it is possible to achieve especially outstanding results in sectors such as catering or local businesses, if the possibilities offered by geolocation are properly exploited.
5 tips that can help you reach your buyers more easily
Be concise on the information you need for your lead. People don’t feel confident in providing too much personal data on any platform.
The more content you can create on your blog, the bigger your chances are of getting leads.
Add short and easy-to-fill forms (name, email, etc.) on your page and different sections, so if the person is really interested, you will have all the registration details.
Constantly evaluate the leads you receive. This will allow you to analyze if the strategy you are using is correct, or if changes are necessary.
Develop valuable content: The better you offer a person in exchange for their information, the greater the possibility of filling in any form for the incentive.
The ultimate goal will always be to sell and for companies to see results of our work.
It is important that our efforts will be well directed to get the right leads, so testing strategies and measuring their results is what will allow us to know if what we are doing works or not.
In the end, a good practice, a good campaign and a good strategy, will always be the best way to create quality leads.
As a Performance Agency, we work to take your brand to the next level. Contact us!
Do you know what neuromarketing is? Always looking for new ways to communicate to the target audience and, above all to generate sales, marketing has ventured into various methods of persuasion. Among these, one of the most recent has been neuromarketing, which was mentioned as such less than 15 years ago.
The principle of neuromarketing is simple: to reach the consumer through their mental, psychological, emotional, sensory and neuronal processes. By mastering these elements, we can influence purchasing decisions, taken in unconscious ways, without having to appeal to other more logical buying reasons.
Neuromarketing is a science that studies the effects of advertising and other communication actions on the human brain. Use it as part of your digital strategy, you can bring your brand closer to your customers.
Neuromarketing and neuroscience
Unlike the economic precept that supposes the existence of a rational consumer, pros and cons are analyzed, as well as opportunity cost and other convenience factors when making a purchase decision.
Neuromarketing proposes that the consumer is more guided by impulses that go hand in hand with emotions, sensory perception and subconscious elements. In order to perform these analysis, three main methods are used: electroencephalograms, magnetoencephalograms and functional magnetic resonances.
Through these non-invasive methods, market and consumer researchers have a clear vision of the behavior of people’s brains. This is achieved by being exposed to different market-related stimuli, such as ads, banners and others. For this, things like blood flow, activation of parts of the brain related to memory and emotions and the response to colors and shapes are taken into consideration.
Neuromarketing emerges as a marketing theory in the mid-1990s and since then, it has been constantly evolving, always hand in hand with neuroscience. Knowing the way in which stimuli affect people, taking into consideration from their biology to their environment, then it becomes easier to know what kind of content to generate, with what language to communicate and even what colors to use.
The author Eduardo Punset, estimates that people receive a new ad every 15 seconds, of which, nine out of 10, fail. This is why neuromarkenting is increasingly used precisely to understand what type of messages are most effective in the consumer and prevent many ads from being lost or not generating any real action.
Currently, neuromarketing is widely used in traditional marketing, but how to use it in digital marketing? Here are some points you should take into account to position the brand in the user’s brain that can be used in digital marketing.
The internet is a tool of a collective nature, giving the user the opportunity to discover other people’s experiences with a product or service and what qualifications they give it. Studies reveal that the fact of including evaluations raises sales by 20%.
The right information
Depending on the company and what type of products or services it is very important to include true data that lead the user to think that their purchase decision is correct.
A picture is worth a thousand words
The human eye goes to specific areas of the screen and collects images more easily than texts. Therefore, we must focus on showing attractive images of what we want to sell.
Behind every brand there is a story and it is important to convey these experiences or memories to the client. Creating feelings in the consumer, makes us more easily reach your brain.
Let the client be the main actor
Create connections with your customers, use natural language. This helps make the brand look close and equal to the target audience. The use of the pronoun “you” gets the attention of the client and creates a relationship with his brain much easier because the person will feel that you talk about you to you. Do not talk about the product, but about what your user can do with the product.
Feelings of shortage
Using expressions such as “Limited Time Offer” or “Buy It Now” lead people to purchase action. Creating the feeling that the product is going to sell out, that production is limited or that we are faced with something exclusive, makes the customer feel the need to buy it right away.
Price management
One reality is that pain is activated with the price. Therefore, it is advisable to express the price in a more subtle way. You can use expressions like “Take it for …” or “It can be yours from …”, insinuate the customer to buy without explicitly saying so.
Few outstanding features
When there are many good features of the products on the website or social networks, you can confuse the new user and make him unable to take a specific action. It is advisable to focus on real features and limit the explanations of the benefits of the product.
Although it has had some detractors, neuromarketing has been widely used by companies of the caliber of Google, CBS and A&E in their marketing efforts, always seeking to satisfy their customers in novel ways achieving not only a consumption, but a permanence and a genuine taste for the brand. Even neuromarketing has been used in political marketing campaigns, to get votes or social actions.
If the Neuromarketing world is your thing, we want to share with you a small introduction, presented by the PhD in Neuromarketing and Engineering, David Juarez Varón, who coordinates the research group “MaCom Research Lab”, as well as training programs in marketing and business communication at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has been a consultant, professor and researcher at the UPV for 18 years.
Do you want to know more concepts and tools to enrich your digital strategy? Visit our Digital Marketing section.
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