The Region’s Most Important Artificial Intelligence Event of the Year is Here!

evento inteligencia artificial

Next Thursday,  July 11, LDM will host the most exclusive event of AI and Machine Learning of the region. That’s why the most important startups and companies were invited to present the digital transformation of the new era alongside Latam Digital Marketing.

During this session, there will be up to 50 well-known companies that support the successful economies of our region and they will be participating in an information session that aims to accelerate digital processes and access to the Artificial Intelligence era in an efficient and expedite way.


Eventos Inteligencia Artificial Mexico

Even though this is an exclusive event, if you are interested in AI and other related topics, you can register in our form below to receive all the highlights of this internationally recognized event. You won’t want to miss this!

Register here!

This is an AI event organized by Latam Digital Marketing in partnership with Tony Rallo. Tony is the co-founder of Kio Networks, the first Mexican unicorn, and the leader of one of the most active investment funds for the development of AI startups in Mexico and Silicon Valley.

Therefore, the CEO’s and founders of some of the most important AI and Machine Learning companies will be sharing technologies applied to digital performance. These are some of the companies that will be attending:


Through its Machine Learning models, Adext runs thousands of simulations to discover the best-performing audience and automatically updates your ad’s budget with amazing results from 30% up to 500% uplift, so you’ll no longer waste money in learnings.

Currently, Adext AI’s main platform is in Open Beta, and won’t charge any fees for its use. Adext does not collect any of your advertising spend.

You’ll pay for your campaigns directly on the advertising account of the platform you’ve connected to Adext AI (e.g. Google or Facebook).

The budget you’ve selected in Adext AI will be intelligently managed and paid for in your advertising account through the payment method you previously defined in that platform.


Thanks to PerformanceAI, their Moment Marketing platform based on Artificial Intelligence, they achieve predictable and guaranteed results and performance while respecting reach and budget targets.

They work hand-in-hand with TV operators, channels and broadcasters in order to help them reach a higher ROI with real-time content monitoring and monetization.

Discover how Artificial Intelligence, Moment Marketing, and real-time Attribution can enhance your digital campaigns and the efficiency of your offline ads.

Hero Guest

They transform your traditional training materials into easy-to-understand, gamified content designed to improve your staff and customer experience. Also, they integrate your supervision and provide visibility of the status of your stores and staff.

Based on P-Mix they create quarterly courses with suggestive selling strategies designed to increase average check, move inventories and reduce COGS. And to ensure your restaurant experience with our built-in GEM tool.

Through a survey, supervision and social media data they identify your brand’s pain points and create new content for your staff to improve them.

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A “club of angel investors” company specializing in early-stage investments in software-scalable-platforms, with a focus on key technologies such as machine learning among others.

Karma Pulse

Listen, measure and understand social media conversations

Use filters, segments, and classifiers to analyze your social network profiles as well as those of the competition, listen and understand what your customers think in real time.

A suite of products for listening, analyzing and engaging. Their products are boosted with real-time artificial intelligence which specializes in the understanding of social media conversations in the Spanish-speaking market.


YALO mexico


Increase sales and get to know your customers better by engaging through WhatsApp. You can build personalized customer relationships at scale. You’ll increase both engagement and effectiveness.

Enable WhatsApp as a communication and support channel between your salesforce and store-owners, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

This major event will be held on Thursday, July 11 at the Kio Zentrum building located in Avenida Santa Fe #495, Lomas de Santa Fe, CDMX México. This event is organized by Latam Digital Marketing and its founders.

Do you want to know more about AI and Machine Learning? Visit our website, well-known as the best Digital Performance Marketing Agency in Latam.

Programmatic Advertising | Meet the Future of Marketing for 2019

In a world where the concepts of traditional advertising have been displaced by the digital era, all companies must know and work with Mediamath Programmatic. That’s why in Latam Digital Marketing we could not miss the opportunity to attend the 3rd edition of the Future of Marketing in Mexico, where we were also invited as speakers.

mediamath programmatic

The Future of Marketing 2019 showed how big brands are transforming the way we do marketing in Mexico. Besides, they emphasized that today strategies should be designed to develop experiences. On the other hand, it is important that these experiences create, in the consumers, the need to acquire a product or service. And at the same time, to achieve business objectives always keeping in mind the trends and innovations of the sector and competition.

“Digital marketing represents 30% of the advertising investment in Latin America,” said our CEO Alberto Álvarez during his speech.

More than 9,500 marketers from 42 countries met at the Future of Marketing 2019 to learn about the importance of launching, analyzing and optimizing their digital advertising campaigns.

During this event, people had the opportunity to hear how big brands are transforming the way of doing marketing in Mexico. On the other hand, it was highlighted the importance of developing experiences that create, in consumers, the need to acquire their product or service and, at the same time, to achieve commercial targets.

In this digital era, we must always be one step ahead of trends and innovations, with our brands directing them.

The Omni-Channel Consumer Era

Starting on the theory of a customer belonging to a single model of purchase, now we move to the new era where the consumer can move from one platform to another before buying. Therefore, in the retail industry, we refer to a new purchase model, where the consumer can have a first contact with the brand, but move to another to close the sale.

62% of internet users in LATAM interact with the product online before buying it offline.

All the strategies of the brands must be designed for the omnichannel consumer. Therefore, the information must be unified, making the user feel that there are no differences between the shopping platforms.

An important fact is a personalized treatment that occurs through each of the available channels, allowing to identify in a better way the preferences of each buyer. This allows the retailer to know if this purchase only products of recognized brands. If your selection of products is based on discounts and even identify your favorite colors when dressing.

Latam Digital Marketing as a Speaker

In the representation of the work done by our agency, our CEO, Alberto Álvarez, was invited to participate in the Future of Marketing 2019. After working for almost a decade in marketing at Procter & Gamble decided to enter the digital era and focus on developing entrepreneurship in Latin America.

As part of his speech, Alberto spoke about the importance of understanding how we should measure the impact of investment in marketing in each sale, regardless of where in the ecosystem the action was taken, its measurement should be clear and concise. So, with this perspective in mind, omnichannel platforms must be developed to bring closer a customer who only has physical points of sale with a consumer who lives in the digital world.

Future of Marketing 2019

For LDM, one of the main causes of on-going success is OXXO. It is important to note that this is the largest retailer in Mexico and a pioneer in betting on omnichannel. Nowadays, it has 17,500 stores, more than 18,000,000 daily transactions and more than 2,500 promotions per month.

With this brand, was implemented an Ads Network strategy, bringing great benefits to the company. One of the highlights made was how through MediaMath Brain is possible to reach people with similar profiles to buyers of each category of Oxxo products, and address them through different advertising channels. He ended his speech stating as follows:

It must be possible to measure, in a clear way, the impact of our investment in marketing and in each sale, no matter where it is made.

For those who could not attend the Future of Marketing 2019, here is a recap of what this event was:

If you want to know more news about Latam Digital Marketing events, don’t forget to visit our section.

Latam Digital Marketing is the indicated Performance Agency to grow your brand.

Let’s talk about your next digital strategy!

Omnichannel Marketing Strategy – How to connect the online and the offline world?

Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Over the years, all needs and preferences of people have changed. But there is also another thing changing: The marketing strategies.

Through this search for channels to reach customers, the companies realized that positioning themselves in a single channel, was not enough.

That’s when Omnichannel Marketing Strategy is born, in order to offer the most complete experience to users in several channels in a simultaneous way.

omni marketing

Since there is so much competition between companies, it has become necessary to be present in as many channels as possible.

All this in order that the customer can move from one channel to another and buy in the one that is most convenient for him.

For Hubspot, omnichannel marketing is “a multi-channel sales approach that provides the customer with an integrated shopping experience. The customer can make the purchase online from a desktop or mobile device, on the phone or in a physical store, but the shopping experience will remain uninterrupted.”


Multichannel Marketing vs Omnichannel Marketing

There are many channels that allow us to make the sale of a product or service. This is why we tend to confuse multichannel marketing with omnichannel.

The first one is responsible for making a sale, whether in an app, a local store, e-commerce, phone call, etc.

But all channels are independent and have their own and unique way of interacting with customers, while the omnichannel, use strategies in conjunction, where you can use one or more channels.

So, no matter how the person interacts with the brand. They still can move from one platform to another. In fact, you can make contact in e-commerce, but finish the purchase in-store.

Another possible scenario would be to make a phone contact and buy through the website. Options are endless!

The most important aspect of omnichannel marketing is to offer a personalized experience tailored to the client’s needs.

Our goal is that the client gets to decide to stay in touch with the brand and build loyalty. So we work based on a complete experience.

Here you can find a detailed video applied to a marketing case about this difference:

Walmart Mexico is on Omnichannel Marketing

Last year, this department store chain opened its store in Tlalnepantla, Mexico. As part of its omnichannel e-commerce strategy, the store offered the possibility of picking up orders by car or using electronic kiosks inside the store, as well as shopping some groceries in the app or the website store with home delivery.

Besides, as part of its business model, over the years, the brand has improved its services offering self-check up to 10 items. On the other hand, have offered digital catalogs to purchase products not available in-store, making the user’s experience more comfortable.

But this model is not for a single store. It plans to continue growing in all stores across the country.

Why bet on the Omnichannel Marketing?

  • It allows companies to generate new sales opportunities, adapting to channels.
  • Innovation in new processes, responsibilities, policies, and connections between the different departments of an organization.
  • Possibility of reaching more customers as several channels are used to transmit the message.
  • You will be able to interact with a client in different ways, which will offer you more opportunities to complete the sale.

If you want to know more about this business model and content strategy between channels that companies use to improve their user experience, Omnichannel Marketing is definitely for you.

Latam Digital Marketing is the indicated Performance Agency to grow your brand.

Let’s talk about your next digital strategy!

Sponsorship Advertising | Sponsored content and its benefits

sponsorship advertising

Sponsorship advertising also called native or sponsored ads, is the system that brands use in order to pay for news services. Some people believe that it is two different things, while the former is merely informative. On the other hand, the second has more sales intentions.

Mainly, the sponsored content is to incorporate promotional articles by distributing them through news or editorials. In this way, the sponsored content integrates organically to the site in question. The important thing about this is that people don’t notice that it is an undercover ad.

There is a lot of criticism of this practice and severe questions about the ethics behind an announcement that seems not to be and that people do not recognize as such. What is undeniable is that the sponsored content definitely works. And this has been proven by sites such as Buzzfeed or even the New York Times.

Sponsorship advertising is the king

We know what they say in digital marketing: Content is the king. In fact, the whole premise of Inbound Marketing is based on this principle. In this case, the sponsored content is the response of brands to this premise.

As we have seen, millennials don’t like to be sold directly, they repel sponsored advertisements, so the adoption of sponsored content is a logical case. When it comes to digital marketing, this is a good strategy due to the large millennial population in the digital and purchasing platforms.

As we know, the original content generates engagement. So the sponsored content does it. But in addition to this, it generates awareness of the brand, without directly saying what you are selling.

Advantages of the Sponsored Content

  • Great opportunity for brands to approach their audience directly without large intermediaries that sometimes do not help them achieve their result.
  • They are the best way to have content generated by different people that really add value.
  • An excellent way to generate extra income for bloggers or influencers.
  • They can be an intelligent and efficient solution for brands if they know how to select channels.
  • For a brand to make a campaign of sponsored posts is how to have different ads with different tones. Unlike campaigns that have an expiration date, sponsored posts are born to stay until the end.

Netflix makes content sponsored in the New York Times

sponsorship advertising

A very clear example of this type of content is what the New York Times made to promote season two of the Netflix series, Orange Is the New Black. The newspaper launched an extensive report on the prisons for women in the United States and how inmates live in this situation. What should have been a journalistic piece by itself, was really content paid by Netflix, to make noise around the program. It was interesting the fact that the report didn’t mention the series at any time or directed the audience’s attention to it. In contrast, they only took the theme of the series as a pretext and developed something of journalistic value. But this is not always the case.

Perhaps, the main advantage of adopting sponsored content  -besides the clear economic benefit- is the fact that, if treated correctly, it will be seen as something that belongs on the site, hence it is called native. Consumers don’t usually notice the difference between a sponsored ad and an editorial piece, because -when done correctly-, it’s almost nil.

When talking about the launch of a new product in sites dedicated to technology or video games, for example, it is impossible not to speak directly about a brand or highlight positive qualities. This makes it necessary an explicit distinction that the content was ordered by the company behind the product, in order to get more criteria on the part of the reader. However, these warnings are ignored, due to the interesting nature of the article or, simply, for issues of attention and retention of the audience.

Also, the sponsored ad appears on social platforms within the users’ own feed, since it belongs to the regular content of a site. In this way, it doesn’t need to be marked (as in Facebook guidelines as sponsored content), but it is integrated in a natural and organic way to the rest of the content. That’s why it makes even more difficult to identify them and increases the possibility of awareness and, depending on how it is played, the return on investment.

Sponsored Content on Instagram

This label has emerged as a result of the large amount of publicity introduced by celebrities and influencers in the most popular photographic social network. For this reason, the US authorities have demanded that the social network clearly identify when it comes to advertising. In this way, the users who carry out advertising campaigns with brands on Instagram have the power/obligation to point out that photography is advertising (sponsored ads). And with this, do not conduct covert advertising that until now was what was being done.

It is clear that it is very complicated to establish to what extent a publication is advertising or is the recommendation of the user. Which becomes more difficult when the person owns or shares a specific brand.

sponsorship advertising

There is a risk of loss of journalistic credibility if the resource is abused. So, the most ethically correct and viable thing is to show clearly and honestly what is an editorial piece and what is a sponsored content. In this way, the integrity of the medium is not sacrificed and you can obtain all benefits previously named.

Do you want to incorporate sponsored content into your digital strategy? Get closer to LDM; We can help you reach a wider audience.