Qatar 2022, the opportunity for your brand

The first World Cup in the Middle East and in winter

In a country with no more than 2.8 million inhabitants with an average age of 32 years, an optimal infrastructure was developed in just 7 years to receive an event of this magnitude.

With the construction of more than 44,000 rooms for the demand of attendees from all over the world, the 9 innovative stadiums that will host the 64 matches where the 32 participating teams will face each other, an airport and an entire ground transportation system within the campus.

FIFA 2022 and its great investment

FIFA has its sights set on the host country due to legal and cultural constraints in that nation, which may be reflected in local changes to accommodate business and cohabitation requirements during this period. This ensures that the Federation’s flagship event achieves a successful tournament while also setting a strong precedent for Qatar with projected tourism revenue of more than US$14 billion. (Statista, May 2021)

The Latin American “Wave”

Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Ecuador that are yet to be defined.

Of the 1.7 million attendees, an average of 40,000 of them are expected to be Mexican fans. As is well known, the Latino community and fans always excel at these sporting events.

Not only in the face-to-face assistance of the headquarters, but also from each home and even many work spaces. Consumption habits begin to be activated months before the inauguration.

Such is the case of the 2018 World Cup, where the Colombian fans prepared themselves by purchasing different items that would improve their experience as spectators.

It has been proven that consumers create a moment of consumption and interaction in each football game, experiences that go beyond time, language and nationality. And the more the favorite team advances, the greater the consumer activity.

Digital opportunities for your brand

This world cup comes to break the registered scope of all the previous ones thanks to the great digital evolution that has been experienced in the last 4 years. From CTV platforms, interactive activities in social media to the optimization of ecommerce stores, apps and content that develop much more precise marketing strategies for brands.

The guide of a strategic partner

Ambush Marketing. This practice is used by an infinite variety of brands, even the largest in the world. There are many opportunities to seize related to the enormous potential for global and regional reach. And the World Cup is the event par excellence where advertisers do not ignore the consumer trends that are generated around it.

The soccer World Cup reaches a larger and more diverse audience than any other single sport event.

It is a strategy that with the strategic partner and with very clear legal guidelines, is very difficult to resist since it generates high levels of profitability, engagement and reach, now considering the new era of Digital TV that is projected with a growth 4X higher than the previous ones. previous events.

Have you approached digital marketing experts yet?

Interviews with Israel Santiago and Alberto Alvarez

Streaming: Growing trend

NIVEA Game Changers, the gamer initiative

  • More than 13 thousand female gamers registered to join the movement.
  • Reaching more than 16 million gamers (+487% vs. target) representing 25.27% of the gamer universe.
  • Top of mind positioning of 2nd place.
  • Purchase Intention of 84%.

In a country where women suffer from harassment and discrimination, even in the gamer community, NIVEA used various digital platforms to connect crowds and change the rules of the game, creating a more inclusive and comfortable community in their own skin. 

NIVEA GAME CHANGERS, an unprecedented initiative that united efforts to break social paradigms in a community of more than 64 million gamers in Mexico alone.

It demonstrated the competitive strength of women in the industry.


Women gamers, the reality behind the insight

Mexico, a regional leader in the gaming industry with a community of 64 million gamers, where according to a study conducted by Nivea, 77% of women have received some kind of harassment while gaming and more than 60% admit to having hidden their gender behind a nickname. 

In addition to the constant pressure to fit into the deeply rooted stereotypes of a female gamer; resulting in hindering the development of skills in a sector that today is dominated by men. Proof of this is that practically 50% of amateur gamers are women and only 1 in 10 pro-gamers are women. 

The need was clear, to reconfigure women as beings who never give up.

Very clear objectives

For such a challenging project, it was necessary to achieve ambitious results, objectives that would strengthen NIVEA’s relationship with new generations, new audiences and the social commitment that the company has been building for some time. Care beyond skin.

Encourage women interested in developing in the gaming industry without discrimination and at the same time position NIVEA with a proactive and social approach to a younger audience using the same virtual channels where they interact.

A campaign that focuses on highlighting the problem of harassment and inequality for women in gaming. To achieve this, it would be necessary to generate legitimacy, to make a strong statement that would unite gamers with NIVEA as the main ally.

The BIG idea

We created Nivea Game Changers in partnership with Riot Games. A NIVEA initiative to give new opportunities and greater visibility to women and other genders within esports, but above all to create a more inclusive gaming community.

We created spaces and provided tools so that women could feel comfortable in their own skin while developing in the gaming environment, maintaining a structure that would stimulate individual and group activity of female gamers in a competitive environment and above all respect through the support of personalities who have broken paradigms of society and have faced challenges in the industry, figures with whom the participants can identify.


The strategy

The insights from the study conducted by Nivea gave life to powerful content that would live in a digital environment. The launch of our manifesto took place during the League of Legends Latam final, taking over the stream chat. The next day, on World Gamer Day, we projected our manifesto on the WTC in CDMX to make our position and action known.

With a documentary series we showed stories of representative women; with tournaments and masterclasses we supported their professionalization, and with the Women talks we created a community. 

Gamers influencers joined us to amplify the message and promote the call for all activities.

With this, we made the target aware that Nivea was part of their ecosystem, as well as our contribution to a change of mindset in the industry through clear actions.


The impact on the gamer community

In just 4 months we surpassed the most important of our KPIs, spreading the brand’s powerful message regarding the issue. We reached more than 3,800,000 views of our manifesto and reached more than 16 million gamers (+487% vs. target). This represents more than 25% of the gaming universe.

Building a community of more than 13,000 gamers activists.

We managed to connect with the target by showing genuine interest in generating a positive impact.

95% agree that NIVEA seeks to give women equality and a voice.

As if that weren’t enough, we went from having zero presence to occupying 2nd place in the Top of Mind category in the gamer territory. With a recall level of 92%, the gamer community considers that NIVEA is a brand for them and that they would recommend it, complementing this great result with a purchase intention of 80%.

The campaign had a significant national and international media impact, achieving an earned media with an advertising equivalence of more than $3.2 MDP, giving an additional reach of more than 41 MILLION people.

Partnership with growth

We all know that the industry is growing rapidly and growing with these disadvantages is not healthy. It is also our responsibility as partners to detect these insights in order to understand them and bring them closer to the brands that are really committed. 

NIVEA, being a major brand with resources to make any kind of commercial campaign, decides not to go the safest way, but to invest in an initiative that really impacts society. Changing the game within a reality that affects millions of women in our country.


And the commitment was clear, it was not only to give visibility to the problem, but to act in a manner consistent with the message of the initiative. Create Masterclasses, womentalks, women’s tournaments, union of efforts with other partners and other important voices in the community.

A great initiative that had a positive impact, generated conversations and dialogues with the aim of creating an inclusive community so that any woman feels welcome, confident that she can find a way, grow in the industry or simply enjoy being part of it.

Contact us and take your brand to the next level!

Controversial advertising, opportunity or bad move?

The term shock advertising or shockvertising emerged to define advertisements that use the power of strong, uncomfortable or even repulsive images to convey a message; in short, it is controversial advertising. Many brands and organizations are famous for using this type of imagery to position a message or product in the minds of their consumers in an incisive way; among the most famous are United Colors of Benetton, PETA and WWF. Controversial advertising has a lot of power and is designed to attract attention and comment, but it can also have adverse results if not handled intelligently enough.

Controversial advertising or no bad advertising?

They say that all publicity is good publicity and that, as long as they talk about you and your brand, you’ve already won. The truth is that it is much more complex than that. The power of controversial advertising is high, but only if it is treated with enough good taste so as not to make it uncomfortable for the sake of making it uncomfortable.  Oliverio Toscani, photographer of Benetton’s most controversial campaigns once said that there are no shocking images, only a shocking reality.

“There are no shocking pictures, only shocking reality.” – Oliviero Toscani Tweet This!

With this, Toscani wanted to make the point that, by themselves, the images are not uncomfortable or repulsive, but it is the message, the reality behind that visual metaphor, that is really penetrating people’s minds. And looking at his work, it’s clear that he had that in mind when trying to spread an inclusive message within the brand.

PETA, for its part, tends to take this advertising to the extreme, by making a literal transcription of the animal reality, putting humans in their place, to reflect what that treatment would be like, if it were people and not animals. This type of controversial advertising has earned them the label, or even the stigma of extremists and radicals, but perhaps that is precisely PETA’s intention. The discomfort generated by their stunts and their controversial advertising messages are strongly implanted in the collective unconscious, like the classic bucket of blood on animal fur users.

publicidad controversial

But what happens when a small brand wants to attract attention by communicating with controversial advertising as a vehicle? The answer lies with Protein World, a relatively new brand that came to public attention with its campaign in which it openly asked if you had the ideal body to go to the beach. In the United States, this campaign was branded as negative, because it was loaded with body shaming or, in other words, humiliation based on the figure. The campaign, which showed people with ideal and perfect bodies, was intended to communicate that there is only one acceptable body type to show at the beach, which drew the attention of the general population. This advertising had the opposite effect to that intended and generated a bad image of the brand.

publicidad controversial

The issue with small brands is that, when seeking to stand out, they must do it intelligently and not only for the shock value that controversial advertising allows, they must be proactive, creative and avoid getting carried away by this or other strategies that fall into the cliché, such as misleading advertising or nostalgia in advertising. While a powerful image well placed can go viral and generate noise around a brand with digital marketing, it is always important to take into account that it must communicate congruence and an important message that portrays a reality, and not just discomfort in a gratuitous way.

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Customer lifetime value and Google Analytics 4

Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value

Online shopping has been on the rise even before the pandemic: in the region, Latino consumers were already demanding more immediate, convenient and accessible consumption habits in order to purchase products that would otherwise be outside the comfort of their homes and work spaces. The result of this ongoing experience was the relevance of Customer Lifetime Value.

During the pandemic, there was no longer a choice. Ecommerce platforms globally grew by 27% proving to be an effective space for advertising. Promotional strategies at the online point of sale.

The advantage: everything is personalized and based on historical purchases and searches, something that brought into focus indicators such as CPA as part of the measurement of results vs. investment. 

Customer Lifetime Value and its role in the omnichannel

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) is only the solid base of a good strategy analysis. Today there is a valuable metric that must be integrated into our constant monitoring, one that will help you identify user preferences and generate comprehensive measurements to obtain accurate data on their consumption habits and result in a repurchase and long-term loyalty relationship with your brand or product. By this we mean Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

But what is CLV about?

It is the total revenue that through a digital platform and / or ecommerce, you get from a customer over time. The analysis of costs, actions and frequency of a single user with your services or products. It is a good metric to measure customer satisfaction, loyalty and viability of a brand.

How to increase your CLV?

1. Keep customers longer.

Customer retention is about adding value. Develop personalized strategies for each user during the customer journey that focus on informing, educating, inspiring and meeting expectations rather than selling directly with something promotional. 

Enhance content marketing to entertain and maintain attention between the frequency of purchases and orders. Segmenting customers by interests, tastes or preferences and personalizing the offers that reach them is very useful for this purpose; all these communications add to the shopping experience and strengthen the customer’s trust in the brand.

2. Encourage more frequent orders.

Sometimes it is difficult to make a user return due to the nature of some products or services, this makes motivating the frequency of such orders a key point for your sales. First is to understand the reason for abandonment during navigation at each touch point. Reinforce those abandoned products in the shopping cart and elevate the shipping and packaging experience once the transaction is confirmed. Promotions such as coupons for the next order are also great for speeding things up.

3. Incentives to increase the average ticket.

Commercial packages easily make a shopping cart more robust because they represent a unique opportunity. Offers that represent a group consumption or something additional that is perceived as an added value to the base product. Something very useful is to categorize products by use or seasonality, not only by type or menu section, with this you can place several accessories and complementary items to the main product.

Marketing automation

Technology plays a very important role as well. Thanks to the advances and results that can be obtained with marketing automation tools, you can personalize every touchpoint with users, such as automatic mailings at the most convenient points of your consumer’s customer journey.

Strategic partner 

Now with the evolution of Google Analytics 4, you can optimize these results through a digital partner to guide you in this customization of each touchpoint of the customer journey for a better experience with your users and achieve the goal of building a long-term loyalty relationship. 

Connect each digital point where your brand has presence and interaction with your audience to synergize efforts, communication and strengthen the loyalty of your consumers over time. 

LDM Solutions

Customer Data Platform

Extensive experience in CDP management, configuration and segment design for the personalization of the different stages of the consumer’s life.

Engagement Platforms

Expertise in advanced engagement platforms such as Braze and Leanplum.

Smart Data Management

Ability to interpret user behaviors to reclassify them and activate personalized communication for each user.

Progressive ROAS & Offline Conversion System

Ability to automatically optimize campaigns based on the lifetime value of your shoppers and implement advanced retargeting campaigns.

Dynamic Creative Optimization

Integration and configuration of advanced DCO campaigns with Criteo, AdRoll and other platforms.

Contact us and take your customer journey to the next level!