Campaign Grader: Tool for Google AdWords optimization

google adwords optimization

Google Adwords, also known as Google Ads, has become the tool of millions of companies to make themselves known in the Digital Age. This is why knowing how to execute your Google Adwords campaigns correctly is extremely important. And with us, you can do your Google AdWords optimization using our Campaign Grader.

People look for what they need at a specific time, as our ads should be aimed at getting that person with a specific need that we can solve.

We must offer the right ad at the right time.

Alberto Alvarez
What is Google Campaign Grader?

It refers to a platform that analyzes your Google Adwords account and offers you opportunities to improve your digital campaigns.

What is Google Adwords?

It is the Google platform that allows you to create ads to promote your company or brand.

campaign grader

In the Digital Age, we try to position our brand on all possible platforms, and as we all know, when it comes to the best all-around search engine, Google comes to mind. For example, it is proven that for every dollar invested in Google Campaigns efficiently, the ROI is double for the average companies. That is why doing a good job becomes imperative and Google AdWords optimization campaigns are paramount.

What is not measured can not be improved.

William Thomson Kelvin

Even over the years, this phrase has been the basis of our work. For us, the results, as well as their prediction, are very important when we delve on Performance marketing ground. Therefore, we work and measure results progressively, making improvements during the process, because to get the best results, we need to be able to correct what is not working along the way, and this is possible when we measure what we do. 

LDM a step forward in Innovation

In Latam Digital Marketing we are the # 1 Agency of Digital Marketing of Performance in Latam and Google Premium Partner of the region. As far as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and technology are pillars of our work. And we decided to create this tool to optimize campaigns and help both brands and companies to diagnose the points to improve your Google Adwords Campaigns. This is our Campaign Grader!

What is the Campaign Grader?

Our new platform for Google AdWords optimization generates a report with recommendations on the performance of your campaigns. With which you can detect opportunities and deficiencies that you would not normally get at first glance. All this in order to make these improvements, your results are increasingly positive.

Why use LDM Campaign Grader?

Analyzing the performance of your Google Adwords Campaigns has never been so easy! These are some of the benefits you get when using our platform:

  1. You get your free report

    Complying with best practices, and as a result, you invest your budget efficiently.

  2. Optimize your time

    Receiving in seconds the key indicators of your campaigns.

  3. Reach your business goals

    Improving your campaign based on the recommendations of the report

google campaign grader

Evaluate your Google Adwords Campaigns totally free

As part of our testing software for Google AdWords optimization, we want to offer every single company or person, the ability to analyze their AdWords campaigns.

Are you ready to start maximizing your income?

If you want to know more about the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, meet the # 1 Digital Performance Marketing agency in the region.

Political campaign marketing strategies – All about the benefits

political campaign marketing strategies

Last time, we were talking about political digital marketing and how it has more interference in the outcome of the elections than you think.

This time, we have a theme on the same section, but with a different approach.

While political marketing exists as a general concept, there is also electoral marketing, in a more specific sense.

According to Mario Herreros Arconada, electoral marketing follows from political marketing, and is known as:

The approach, implementation and dissemination of certain messages, on occasion of the implementation of electoral processes, to designate the government of a particular political community; It is, therefore, a specific variant of political marketing.

It is clear, then, that there are compelling reasons to see political campaign marketing strategies and use it in our favor.

Is it worth the investment of resources in political campaign marketing strategies?

The truth is that the effort to design a marketing campaign would seem absurd, but the results speak for themselves.

Political campaign marketing strategies have the function of modifying the election of the electorate towards the proposal that you’re looking for. So, it has the power to change the balance in a significant electoral process.

There are three ways to achieve this: Focusing on the product, focusing on the sale and focusing on the market.

Political campaign marketing strategies that focuses on the product, tends to be more honest and purposeful.

The product, in this case, is the electoral platform, the message or proposal that they want to highlight and which one to vote; the party, the ideology or the politician it represents.

So, the focus on the product, tries to highlight the characteristics and advantages, for information of the people that will vote.

On the other hand, political campaign marketing strategies focused on sales is usually more assertive, but full of false and empty promises.

This way, the focus on the sale uses any resource, manipulation and deception in order to win the election. It is the equivalent of somebody selling a miraculous product at a fair.

Finally, the focus on the political campaign marketing strategies is about the satisfaction of voters, based on their opinions, tastes and ideologies that they handcuff.

This is not only applied when making an election, but as a measure of popularity once the elected government is established.

These analytical resources are used to know the success of the exposed policies, as well as to modify the course of action whenever it gave what it seeks to promote.

election marketing

Political campaign marketing strategies, not only allows to know the electorate and its response to the exposition of policies or platforms, but it also helps to spread a message.

In addition to this, allows to gain the sympathy and support of the group to which it is addressed, obtaining a competitive advantage in an electoral process.

It should be noted that political campaign marketing strategies can be applied in any decision-making process and not only in the political sphere. A person who wants to pass a proposal or obtain a majority in the school, union or labor field, can use this resource.

This tool, then, positions the person after his machination as a solid adversary, with full knowledge of his audience and with real chances of winning.

Learn more about Electoral Marketing through this video that tells you how to win an election using the political campaign marketing strategies:

If you want to know more about Branding, you can visit our posts about digital campaigns that improve and increase the presence of the brand with tangible results.

We are the right Performance Agency that you need to grow your brand. Let’s talk about your next digital strategy!

Have you heard about the last trends in Political Marketing?

Marketing Politico

Political marketing is a term that might not be familiar for you. Most likely, you haven’t only heard the term, but you surely have been the target of this marketing tool, Political Marketing. This goes beyond a public image survey of a particular character or a party.

Political Marketing is composed of a series of tools and strategies to generate a tendency towards a political figure or proposal.

In other areas, it seeks to influence the general perception of the population towards the government.

Political Marketing Trends

Just like 10 years ago social networks were a watershed for marketing, today these three trends will forcefully mark our work, so the challenge is to take a step forward, and not to stay on the road.

  • Automation and Artificial Intelligence

For more than a decade, several technology companies have opted for their research efforts to develop platforms that understand the user. And part of it is in knowing the products and preferences of the client to offer a better experience.

Some have focused on creating virtual assistants (very similarly Jarvis in Iron Man) that can respond to specific needs of users.

Other companies have focused on automating some marketing processes that could not be done otherwise by humans.

Marketing Automation is a methodology that uses software to automate certain processes within a digital marketing strategy.

Marketing automation processes can be of different types, from a response email after a comparison in an e-commerce site, to remarketing actions combining mobile devices, geo-location and social networks.

  • Microsegmentation

Launching campaigns that point to everything that moves or point to everyone, are a blast from the past.

Hence, more and more advertisers begin to leave behind traditional media to migrate their budgets to digital.

A trend that we will see grow in the short term is microsegmentation. This is, segmenting our target much more specifically, allocating small parts of the budget to each microsegmentation instead of putting everything into one.

  • Voice & Visual Search

Technology came with amazing improvements, and one that surprises even the most skeptical is Voice Search.

This refers to using the voice to search or surf the internet.

According to a Gartner study, by 2020, a 30 percent of internet browsing will be done without a screen and half of the searches will not use a keyboard to perform.

This can be achieved thanks to the fact that today, there are devices and software that allows you to talk “with the machine” with a colloquial language.

A very powerful and simple example to test this is Siri, the virtual assistant that Apple devices have.

The Tool to Win Elections

Bruce Newman, PhD in marketing and professor at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, proposes the following definition:

Political Marketing is the application of marketing principles and procedures in the political campaigns of various individuals and organizations. The processes involved include the analysis, development, execution and management of strategic campaigns of candidates, political parties, governments and groups interested in influencing public opinion, advancing their own ideologies, winning elections and making legislation in response to needs and requirements of select people.

According to Dr. Luis Costa Bonino, an expert marketer, it implies a strong knowledge of the target audience and their way of thinking.

In addition, an approach to the psychology of the public to whom the strategy is directed, to appeal to their emotions, reasoning and way of thinking, conscious and unconscious.

According to Bonino, Political Marketing has more disagreements than points in common with Commercial Marketing.

He explains that, while is not as you think, only to make up the image of a person and carry out aesthetic and empty campaigns.

But to perform a true diagnostic exercise, analyze the information available on the electorate, conduct surveys, meet the public and generate campaigns and strategies that appeal to the needs and tastes of people.

Make a good Political Marketing campaign

political marketing

A good political marketing campaign will consider the personality and essence of the candidate, the strength and alignment of the party to which he belongs.

On the other hand, the congruence of the message that the candidate wants to give, to offer a proposal that is attractive.

It is important that this be done without betraying the interests and ideals that this platform represents.

So, a good analysis of the electorate, will help align the needs and tastes of the target audience with the political platform to achieve as much compromise as possible.

Meet the Best Political Consultant in Latin America

She is the best political consultant in Latin America, a member of the Reed Latino Hall of Fame. She has won dozens of political and government campaigns: Gisela Rubach.

In her almost 30 years of career, where she has 300 campaigns – 32 of them for governor – and more than 20 governments advised in Mexico and Latin America.

The “master” also has, within her achievements, the formation of new professional cadres, since for 20 years she directs the seminar of Political Marketing of ITAM.

If you want to know more about Branding, you can visit our posts about digital campaigns that improve and increase the presence of the brand with tangible results.

We are the Performance Agency indicated to grow your brand. Let’s talk about your next digital strategy!

Digital marketing for entrepreneurs | Facts that should be known


To start a business, not only money and encouragement are needed. Even if the latter are of vital importance, you also need to know the details of the industry you want to participate in. And of course, have the right marketing strategy, in this case, digital marketing. In our article today, we present some points to remember that entrepreneurs must know to be successful through digital marketing.

digital marketing for entrepreneurs

Notice to Entrepreneurs

Digital marketing is more than paying for clicks and ads

While scheduled ads are an important part of a digital marketing strategy, it is important to notice that this goes much further. Not only should your ads be promotional, but they should be informative and, above all, they must generate interactivity with the user. Moreover, you have to be careful when designing your campaign, to make it as attractive as possible; nobody is going to click on an ad that doesn’t catch you.

Optimization for mobile devices is already mandatory

Entrepreneurs: Keep in mind that, currently, searches through mobile devices have surpassed that of personal computers. It is estimated that at least 68% of the world’s population, has a mobile device in their hands. This makes it essential to have an optimization strategy for mobile devices and think of your brand with an essential presence in them.

Don’t underestimate SEO

SEO is more alive than ever; It is an organism with great vitality, in constant movement and unstoppable evolution. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a tool that all entrepreneurs should know perfectly well and always have present because with the drastic changes to which they may be subject at any given time, they can completely alter the current state of search engines.

digital marketing for entrepreneurs

SEO is more alive than ever; It is an organism with great vitality, in constant movement and unstoppable evolution. (…) with the drastic changes that may be subject at any given time, you can completely alter the current state of the search engines.

Optimizing your conversion rate can make a notable difference.

The better you optimize your site and your landings, the lower your bounce rate will be. Give your audience something to do on your site, allow them some interactivity and provide quality content, not only for sharing, but for your visitors to stay and keep looking for more. This is especially relevant in E-commerce sites.

Generate content in large quantities and high quality

Entrepreneurs should keep in mind that content is the king on the Internet. Thanks to the viral power of social networks, content can reach unprecedented audiences. It’s here when infographics, images, videos, gifs and even memes, can contribute to your brand having a presence. Good content will keep your audience captive, and will be shared until more people are reached.

As entrepreneurs, we recommend following these strategies and not neglecting other forms of optimization that we have shared in these blogs. Entrepreneurs have become, in recent years, prominent figures on the Internet, but this hasn’t been a coincidence: Entrepreneurs with the greatest success stories, have turned to digital marketing to get where they have done.

If you are an entrepreneur and you want to know how to get further, go to LDM. We have the tools and strategies for all your needs.