Stay updated! These are the Digital Marketing Trends of 2020

digital marketing trends 2020

A few days ago not only did we begin a New Year but also a new decade, which is why being aware of the digital marketing trends for 2020 is essential in order to be able to implement them as soon as possible.

What will be the digital marketing trends 2020?

This year we´ll be seeing great changes in the digital era, but pillars such as personalization, chatbots, automation, social listening, campaign measurement, and voice searches are going to be some of the main trends.

Digital Marketing Trends 2020

And without further ado, we present some of the most outstanding digital marketing trends for this coming year.

1. Customization

This was one of the main trends of 2019 and ones that will keep being important in 2020. Implementing hyper-personalization processes creates a positive and measurable impact on customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Personalization is among the opportunities identified as most attractive for different entities and because of person-centered data marketing, it remains crucial. Thus, proposing a hyper-personalized relationship will be the main marketing trend in 2020!

In addition, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), for 83% of marketing professionals, creating personalized content is one of the biggest challenges.

digital marketing trends 2020

2. Chatbots

We have mentioned them in previous articles, but their relevance continues to grow over time, and as digital marketing trends 2020 they are an essential tool in customer service.

Chatbots, those chat boxes that usually appear on the lower right side of the web pages, is an easy and economical way to communicate with clients and potential clients without human intervention.

Not only do they allow brands to clarify doubts or take visitors to specific pages, but they also capture customer data at any given time. When responding in real-time, we avoid losing the interest of those who visit our site.

Yalo Chat, through the WhatsApp Business Bot that they manage, is a great example. Brands manage to communicate with the user, recognize their needs and offer a personalized and instant solution. If we consider the long waits we would have to endure in order to be attended by a real person, this surely cuts out all that waiting time.

The weak side of this software is that given that it depends on artificial intelligence, you have to take some time to “train” it in order for it to be really useful to web users. Once we do this, human intervention is greatly reduced.

digital marketing trends

3. Marketing Automation

It is time to reduce the use of human resources in processes to minimize execution time and the number of errors. That’s why some big 2020 marketing trends include more and more automation tools through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

All of this results in you being able to spend more time in designing strategies and new opportunities instead of the execution of processes that can be automated with a couple of clicks.

There are many platforms in the market that can help you with these tasks, but here we present the 6 best Marketing Automation Softwares.

2020 marketing trends

4. Social Listening

Although many people do not give it the greatest relevance, it is important that in Digital Marketing in 2020 we begin to listen to the health of our brand and to detect those niches where users who interact with us are located. As we mentioned in previous articles:

Social Listening is used to analyze the content we publish and to help us improve our strategy. This is the key to achieving good engagement through the analysis of comments, conversations, opinions, preferences and user data. The real goal that we must achieve with Social Listening Marketing is being able to measure the performance of a brand, product or organization.

It is paramount to know everything that is happening with our brand and to be aware of alerts at times of crisis, but analyzing how people feel about your brand is also very important, and we are often not aware of it as part of the 2020 marketing trends.

In 2020, Social Listening will also be your best ally to know who are the main ambassadors of your brand and in which niches they talk about it. Do you want to learn about this and more?

When doing Social Listening we use our favorite tool: Karma Pulse. You can learn more about it and how to do Social Listening with it.

Digital marketing in 2020

5. Voice Search

Guaranteed: most brands are not ready to explore advertising on smart speakers. But as they grow, they should explore how to optimize their content for voice searches.

According to Google, 20 percent of all Google searches occur through voice. And according to Thrive Analytics, you can say that 71 percent of mobile users between 18 and 29 use their smart assistants.

We all know Echo, Siri or Alexa; they are users´ allies when it comes to searching by voice commands, so as part of the 2020 marketing trends, we need to start optimizing our content for these searches.

digital marketing trends 2020

6. Measurement of On and Offline Campaigns

In the past, we were content knowing that we were making noise in different types of media, but just as social networks, your offline campaigns are also measurable.

This is why Digital Marketing in 2020 highlights the measurement of omnichannel strategies, which is possible if you have the right tools. And it is with this that you can know how much you invest in which channel and the return that this offers you.

We use Decidata, a technology company for media and marketing. It was founded two years ago and it develops technological solutions for brands and marketing agencies. It allows synchronizing television advertising with digital and launch targeted campaigns towards specific segments of the population.

digital marketing trends

7. Increasingly Automated Campaigns

Before creating campaigns on Google and Facebook, we had to have great knowledge and long implementation processes. Today they have become automated processes and this trend is just going to keep growing.

This is why you need to invest more time in the strategy and know the audience you want to reach. This must be a priority for your strategist!

And as the trend of increasingly optimized and personalized campaigns grows, we have a tool that can help as part of our 2020 marketing trends.

Adex AI  is the creator of an automated model of artificial intelligence and machine learning for digital campaigns. Save time and money satisfying your customers at the lowest cost!

With this tool, you can not only create predictive campaigns but also optimize the ones you already have. This will allow you to better invest your budget and get improved results.

2020 marketing trends

Campaign Grader: A tool created in LDM to improve your campaigns

Digital marketing in 2020

In the Digital Age, we try to position our brand on all possible platforms, but we know that the master and lord when it comes to searches is Google.

And it is proven that for every dollar invested in Google Campaigns efficiently, the ROI is double in average companies. That is why doing a good job becomes imperative and optimizing AdWords campaigns is paramount.

Our new platform to optimize AdWords campaigns generates a report with recommendations on the performance of your campaigns with which you can detect opportunities and deficiencies that you would not normally get at first glance. This is all so you can make these improvements and maximize your results. 

New decade, new Digital Marketing strategies

We hope that the good vibe of 2020 allows you to succeed and we want to support you with a series of tips:

  • It is essential to start obtaining leads from potential customers, so make sure that visits to your website become leads.
  • Analyze and duplicate the marketing channels that work best for your business.
  • Everything must be measurable to improve, so knowing the ROI of all your investments is indispensable.
  • Homogenize all the contact channels of the company, so that they share the same strategy and your customers can move from one channel to another.

The Latam Digital Marketing family will continue working to achieve new achievements in 2020. And you, are you ready?

digital marketing trends 2020

And because the only way to change the future is to create it … Are you ready to take your strategy to the next level?

We are the # 1 Performance Marketing Agency in LATAM.

Political campaign marketing strategies – All about the benefits

political campaign marketing strategies

Last time, we were talking about political digital marketing and how it has more interference in the outcome of the elections than you think.

This time, we have a theme on the same section, but with a different approach.

While political marketing exists as a general concept, there is also electoral marketing, in a more specific sense.

According to Mario Herreros Arconada, electoral marketing follows from political marketing, and is known as:

The approach, implementation and dissemination of certain messages, on occasion of the implementation of electoral processes, to designate the government of a particular political community; It is, therefore, a specific variant of political marketing.

It is clear, then, that there are compelling reasons to see political campaign marketing strategies and use it in our favor.

Is it worth the investment of resources in political campaign marketing strategies?

The truth is that the effort to design a marketing campaign would seem absurd, but the results speak for themselves.

Political campaign marketing strategies have the function of modifying the election of the electorate towards the proposal that you’re looking for. So, it has the power to change the balance in a significant electoral process.

There are three ways to achieve this: Focusing on the product, focusing on the sale and focusing on the market.

Political campaign marketing strategies that focuses on the product, tends to be more honest and purposeful.

The product, in this case, is the electoral platform, the message or proposal that they want to highlight and which one to vote; the party, the ideology or the politician it represents.

So, the focus on the product, tries to highlight the characteristics and advantages, for information of the people that will vote.

On the other hand, political campaign marketing strategies focused on sales is usually more assertive, but full of false and empty promises.

This way, the focus on the sale uses any resource, manipulation and deception in order to win the election. It is the equivalent of somebody selling a miraculous product at a fair.

Finally, the focus on the political campaign marketing strategies is about the satisfaction of voters, based on their opinions, tastes and ideologies that they handcuff.

This is not only applied when making an election, but as a measure of popularity once the elected government is established.

These analytical resources are used to know the success of the exposed policies, as well as to modify the course of action whenever it gave what it seeks to promote.

election marketing

Political campaign marketing strategies, not only allows to know the electorate and its response to the exposition of policies or platforms, but it also helps to spread a message.

In addition to this, allows to gain the sympathy and support of the group to which it is addressed, obtaining a competitive advantage in an electoral process.

It should be noted that political campaign marketing strategies can be applied in any decision-making process and not only in the political sphere. A person who wants to pass a proposal or obtain a majority in the school, union or labor field, can use this resource.

This tool, then, positions the person after his machination as a solid adversary, with full knowledge of his audience and with real chances of winning.

Learn more about Electoral Marketing through this video that tells you how to win an election using the political campaign marketing strategies:

If you want to know more about Branding, you can visit our posts about digital campaigns that improve and increase the presence of the brand with tangible results.

We are the right Performance Agency that you need to grow your brand. Let’s talk about your next digital strategy!

This is the Social Media Listening Software that offers you 90% accuracy in Spanish

Escucha Social

In previous articles, we talked about Social Listening and its importance for brands. Further knowing when people mention your company, it is very necessary to know what users really say about it.

That is why when we collect large amounts of data, we need to find the most efficient way to analyze it. Undoubtedly, through social listening, we are able to classify all that data as a whole to select the one that interests us most.

Social Listening is responsible not only for analyzing the content we publish but also for improving our strategy. This improvement refers to the key component to achieve the engagement we need through the analysis of comments, conversations, opinions, preferences and user data. The real goal we must achieve with Social Listening Marketing is to measure through our strategy, the performance of a brand, product or organization.

Once we know what we need to do, that’s when we look for the best platform to achieve it. At Latam Digital Marketing we set the task of doing all the research for you and compare the best options on the market. Here we present the winner:

Karma Pulse Social media listening software

For Social Listening in your company, use Karma Pulse

After much research and comparing various Social Listening platforms, we get one that offers the best cost/benefit.

Karma Pulse is a measurement platform for analysis, and interaction on social networks using artificial intelligence. It filters, segments, classifies and analyzes social network profiles, (as well as the competition) as well as listens and understands what your customers say in real-time.

Its services are being used by companies around the world, from television channels and universities to international banks. In addition to artificial intelligence productos loaded with specialized analysis of market conversations, as well as focus on real-time and monitor real-time Spanish-speaking conversations.

Some of the options you have within this platform are:

  • War Room

These Social Listening rooms allow you to visualize the most relevant data for the decision making on executive boards your business focusing on brand, sales, communication, and user experience. At the business level, it allows us to ask precise questions to each area and take the necessary actions in a timely manner.

The Executive Boards of War Room are a simple tool that presents an x-ray of the most relevant topics of our brand. Besides, it is an excellent ally for customer service, sales, marketing, and communication areas.

Not only do we have knowledge of the actions of the competition, but we know aspects of our company that were indifferent to us.

  • Reports

The reports allow you to understand the data in depth to answer the questions you need to solve through data, graphs, findings, trends, and recommendations.

Also, the reports are specially made, so you can know the market’s behavior. Unquestionably, you can discover the practices of your sector and create strategies with specific information to your field in the digital world.

  • Social Hub

It generates social experiences using different strategies that attract your audience, increase your brand presence and trigger social interaction.

  • Segmented Twitter Publicity

The most innovative social media advertising on Twitter for your audience through interest segments.

6 Benefits of Karma Pulse compared to other platforms

  1. Personalized alerts about the brand, with which you will be able to detect movements of the brand. 
  2. Monthly status reports of the account. 
  3. Content Monitor specialized in Hispanic American platforms, and compare them.
  4. Machine Learning as a tool to improve the learning of the algorithm, thus improving the collection of information.
  5. Measures the Brand’s Health of the competition to show us how we are in comparison.
  6. Analyzes the reactions through emojis, content, comment hours and more.

Why is it important to do Social Listening?

  1. It allows you to detect new niche markets.
  2. It analyzes your direct competitors.
  3. It identifies the main influencers/ambassadors of your brand.
  4. It knows the brand’s feeling your audience has.
  5. It knows in real-time everything that is happening with the brand and alerts at the time of crisis.
  6. Without Social Listening strategies, you may be losing crucial information about what happens in your profiles.
  7. If you are not listening to what is happening on your social networks, you are working in the dark.

Karma Pulse as one of our softwares

Through marketing we need to know the brand’s health we are working with, that’s why we use Karma Pulse. This tool is essential to plan strategies that will allow us to analyze high volumes of data.

Also, it allows us to know niches in which we talk about our brand and the moments in which this happens. This especially means that through Artificial Intelligence we are also able to predict trends and improve our strategies. 

One of the biggest features that we take advantage of from the platform is that 90% of the actions that can be performed are adapted to the needs of each client.

Our biggest satisfaction is to know that through Artificial Intelligence the processes are technologically automated. This is why we do not waste time or effort in manually teaching the platform to understand what users are saying.

Success stories with Social Listening

Social listening offers great potential benefits to achieve your strategic objectives. Currently, big brands are developing this automated practice to achieve different purposes.

Some companies use social listening to connect with new clients and influencers, aiming for unique offers in a shopping experience. Without a doubt, with social listening you can manage the reputation of your brand; therefore making user experience unforgettable.

Below, you will find some practices that will help you understand cases where Social Listening worked.

  • Asos and Desi Perkins

Desi Perkins is a popular YouTuber that creates lifestyle and beauty content. She currently has 3.2 M subscribers. She offers advice and product recommendations in her videos with a great influence on her followers.

As an influencer, Desi Perkins adopts a routine and beauty tricks that her followers want to emulate to achieve. For example, one day she decided to make a garment in the ASOS online store that was not in stock. Then, Desi Perkins decided to raise this situation in social networks:

“Why does @ASOS show me beautiful articles that are sold out on their website? Every product I select is not in stock.

Desi Perkins

This post was uploaded to Twitter and in less than a day she got an immediate reaction from users, with 32 retweets and 771 likes. Soon her followers began to interact with her and offered online store alternatives that had a similar cost.

The ASOS store responded to Desi Perkins’s tweet in 12 minutes to offer a solution. It is very important that brands respond as quickly as possible, managing mentions of their brand. Don’t know what social listening is yet? In this case, this practice allowed ASOS to be attentive to users’ opinions and respond to Desi Perkins.

Netflix Socks

Netflix keeps the user in mind at all times and aims to offer you a unique experience when you are watching your favorite shows and movies. In the Shorty Awards they pointed out “when we are not publishing, we are listening, looking for the new trends that drive the world of entertainment”.

In this way, Netflix values ​​the user experience and uses social listening to be as satisfactory as possible. A clear example is the product offered: Netflix Socks.

When Netflix practiced social listening, he observed that many users fell asleep while watching a series or movie. Therefore, Netflix detected an opportunity to offer smart socks; When the user is falling asleep, they send a signal to the television and pause the program they are watching.

Here we present more about Karma Pulse and everything it can do to boost your business. This is part of their presentation at the LDM Kore AI Hub in Mexico City:

*Remember to activate the English captions

If you want to know more about related topics, our Marketing Automation section tells you more about the use of software to automate tasks.

If you’ll like more info and pricing for Karma Pulse for your brand or business, click here:

At Latam Digital Marketing, we are the right marketing performance agency to help grow your brand. Let’s talk about your next digital strategy!

Google Digital Garage | Free Online Marketing Courses

Google marketing courses

The Digital Marketing is increasingly demanding nowadays, and large corporations and agencies are increasingly interested in better prepared professionals.

If you are one of those who can’t wait for a Google Course, this is for you!

Google Digital Garage Google Digital Courses

But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you can’t work in this sector so covet.

Thanks to the vision of leading companies like Google, nobody can stay with the desire to learn from the best.

That is why, thanks to Google (in collaboration with the Government of Spain), the Actívate initiative was born.

This initiative offers Google Courses for FREE to anyone who wants it, either in person or online.

The future of the online world is here, and thanks to Google Activate, the opportunity to take these online courses is just one click away from your computer.

With Google Marketing Courses, your professional training will go to the next level. The Google Online Courses you can find are:

  • Fundamentals of digital marketing
  • Get a business online
  • Make sure customers find you online
  • Promote a business with online advertising
  • Expand a business to other countries
  • Connect with customers over mobile
  • Promote a business with content
  • Understand customers needs and online behaviours
  • How to enhance and protect your online campaign
  • Understand the basics of code
  • Understand the basics of machine learning
  • And more!

These courses are available and recommended for everyone. The labor market has changed a lot in recent years, that is why it does not matter the age or years of experience that one has.

Face-to-face courses

The Google Digital Garage Courses also have free face-to-face courses, so if you are interest and have the availability to travel, they are courses that you can’t miss like:

  1. Basic Digital Marketing CourseEntrepreneurship
  2. Training Employment
  3. Training and Personal Brand
  4. Digital Strategy Workshop for your business

If you have the opportunity to attend any of the face-to-face Google courses, you can get certified with IAB (International Advertising Bureau). Unfortunately at this time, certification is only possible by attending these courses. Hopefully Google will not take long to offer these courses for Latin America.

As a Performance Agency, we work to take your brand to the next level. Contact us!