The post-cookie era: Alternatives to 3rd party data


The post-cookie era: Alternatives to 3rd party data

As we mentioned in our previous article “The demise of cookies”, the era of cookies will come to an end in 2022. Apple with Mozilla, Microsoft with Edge and now Google with Chrome, will focus on user privacy and as a result, remove all cookies from their browsers. 

If we double click on digital advertising, we will find that approximately 8 out of 10 online ads are based on cookies and 7 out of 10 web pages use at least 1 cookie. 

Advertising digitally without thinking about cookies is like proposing to someone without ever having seen their face. It’s time to think outside the box!

This revolution in digital marketing will bring questions; How to know which are the most visited media by users? What is going to be the online behavior pattern I have to follow as a brand? When to invest in programmatic if your main guarantee was specialized data? 

The answer to all these questions is: 1st Party Data.

1st Party Data

Cookies were created to collect information (3rd Party Data) in an exponential way compared to how we could collect 1st party data. In exchange for collecting particular user data, digital advertising focused on massively collecting data and looking for patterns in it.

If you want to go deeper into What is and how are 1srt, 2nd and 3rd Party data used, read our article “Data Driven Company”.

“1rst party data is what is going to revalue the importance of providing something of value to the user in exchange for their data.”

Alberto Alvarez, LDM CEO

What data alternatives exist for the cookie-free era?

  • Aggregate data: Stop focusing on one-to-one data and focus on cohorts by similar behavior. This solution, in a nutshell; is the one proposed by Google for 2022. FLoC (‘Federated Learning of Cohorts’), a system that allows identifying users’ preferences while respecting their individual privacy.

Something particular about this solution is that only large companies will be able to perfect it, due to the fact that large ranges of data are needed to be able to decipher uniform audiences.

  • Context targeting: This segmentation analyzes the content of the web page, regardless of the user who is visiting the offer. This provides indicators of content preference. However, the challenges are in the editorial line, because many advertisers do it by keywords and do not always match the content targeting. Ex;

The user may be reading an article on car pollution in cities with the highest population, and an ad for a car for sale appears. It would not be appropriate for the moment or for the user, but the advertiser got carried away by the keyword “automobile” and “big cities”.

  • Authenticated user with consent: This model is based on storing a user’s profile with a server-side pseudonym. Consent is managed from the beginning with a level of transparency inspired by the European regulation on data protection, so that the user can authorize its storage by site and preferences in the most transparent way possible.

These data alternatives will be executed by digital content, what will change is the quality of such content so that these options can give positive results. 

Through engagement strategies, lead gen and brand positioning, it will be sought that the user connects.

The marketing strategies implemented for these data alternatives are the ones that will change the game. Brands will now be buying their data from users through high-value content.

LDM Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence Agency in Latam

We take brands to the next level!

At LDM we have managed to anticipate a post-cookie era and implement these alternatives through innovation strategies; ID-based solutions, implementation of a high-level technological stack, generation of 1st party data in our own environment, integral technological platforms for data management and high-value content as a proprietary data generator.

Is your brand ready for the cookie-free era?

Contact us and take your brand to the next level!

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CEO - Fundador

After working for almost a decade in marketing in Procter & Gamble, Alberto envisions the power of changes in the digital era and decides to focus in the entrepreneurship world in Latam. In 2012 he founds his first start-up,, changing the way to engage with real estate in the region. Alberto served as Marketing VP for Agora Technologies at Silicon Valley, a company finance by Guy Kawasaki & Nolan Bushnell, where he developed the main concept of Startup Icon. Today, Alberto is the CEO of the holding company that conforms Latam Digital Marketing, and its subsidiaries in Latin America.
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